Category Archives: Free will

Tolerating Public Nudity. A Christian asks… Should Porn be allowed on X?

Christian X user asks the question… “Should Porn be allowed on this platform?”

Public nudity in a free and civil society has always been a contentious issue. Even the discussion of Sex is contentious.

As a Libertarian Christian I have defended the rights of Sex workers, and Public parades such as ‘Boobs on Bikes’ from Oppressive Councils and laws that were under pressure to prohibit these things largely from Christian activist lobby groups.

Some people will wonder how as a Christian I might take such a position? I take that position because I believe in a separation of church and state, and I do not like Christianity and the bible being used as a bludgeon to persecute sinners and infidels. I believe that to be absolutely Unchristian, and also a corruption of the Law… and a violation of individual rights.

Many anti-freedom people think that by taking the side of prostitutes that I am endorsing prostitution, yet that is false. I do not want anyone (man or woman) to prostitute themselves, yet that does not mean I therefore should support laws against them.

I believe In liberty.. as a Libertarian Christian we have far more hope of saving people from prostitution if we show love for them rather than hateful oppression. Christians can still work to reduce prostitution via the gospel… which is the true Christian way to battle sin and improve the world…. all under freedom.

Now I said all this here to give context to the question raised above. Porn in Western society may be construed as being anything from showing a nipple… to full on Sex. I personally am not bothered by the former being allowed in public yet would be very bothered by the latter… so even Libertarian Tim thinks there must be a line drawn *somewhere*.

Myself… applying the principle of Equality before the law when supporting ‘Boobs parades in Hamilton’ was that if men are allowed to walk topless down the street so too should woman be lawfully allowed to. Instead of allowing woman to do so, we could instead simply create a new prohibition against men having bare chests…. yet is this the best direction for society… less freedom… more laws/rules/punishments? It’s obvious to me thats the wrong direction to take society… that leads to what is happening in the Islamic world with Burkas and Beard police.

The truth is Christians need to be tolerant of others who do not share *all* the same values and sentiments we do… yet who are still peaceful and civil. Ie seeing a boob on the street you may find offensive (I don’t) but is certainly does not violate any of your rights!

If we were to apply that to social media platforms and boobs were allowed… then anyone offended by it could scroll past that post… and even block the sender of the post…. thereby *self policing* their own content without imposing their views on others. And this is how a free and civil society really works. Tolerance… and Individuals taking responsibility for their own moral standards rather than expecting the government to act like the Taliban.

X could set up an ‘R18’ tab (maybe they already do) and users could click that tab to prevent any R18 content appearing in their feed. They probably already do this… I’m not sure. I’m fairly certain most x users don’t want explicit porn turning up in their feed, yet I’m sure the odd boob pick from a chick on the back of a motor cycle does not bother too many people????

Ultimately such questions are for the Platforms themselves to figure out… yet if they get it wrong It would impact on their User satisfaction and cause people to leave. Lets say X allowed nudity yet not explicit sex acts… at first some millions who cant handle the sight of a boob to leave. That would be an expected cost. yet eventually those numbers would recover and users would just take such stuff in their stride like adults. And personally speaking I think that is progress… an escape from the petty legalistic prudish attitudes that still support Legal oppression under the guise of Christian virtue.

If nudity was allowed on X that would not mean Christians could no longer maintain their own virtues. They might face more ‘temptation’… yet it would be up to them to overcome that as all Christian ought. Ironically It’s the more Pious types that have the most problem when confronted with a boob! Everyone else just laughs… or scrolls past.

That’s my 5 cents. šŸ™‚

Tim Wikirwihi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

Babes and Ball Crushers.

Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

True Christian Modus Operandi. Jesus Loves Porn Stars.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Sick Puppies.

Geoffrey Palmer and the Rape Culture of Socialist Government. Teaching Liberals the Principle of Consent

The War is overā€¦Neo-Feminism is a Sex Cult.

Individualism. Stay The Course, Remain True To Your Convictions. Don’t Let Other Peoples Actions Govern Your Own Conduct.

Some people may live this way… yet I don’t agree with it.

It is a Machiavellian tenet that say’s because other people are prone to breaking promises, that this absolves you from keeping yours.

The question is what sort of person do you wish to be?

I believe we should keep our word even to people who are not trustworthy… So we should watch what we agree to do and with whom.
This is because the sort of person we chose to be, and how we conduct ourselves ought not to be dependent on the character and conduct of others… but on our own integrity… we ought to walk the higher path even when most others are taking the lower road.

This way we remain masters of ourselves… consciously and purposefully acting according to our values… not living sympathetically in reaction to the rest of the world… and it’s lack of values.
In this way when you look in the mirror you will see a good man staring back at you… a champion of what is right.
Not living like a victim excusing yourself for being a person of Bad faith.

.. and your reputation as a Solid Guy (or Gal) … a person of integrity will precede you… and doors will open for you because of your own conduct…
This is the Old School virtue that ‘a mans word is his bond’
Thus it ought to be only in extreme circumstances that we should ever even consider breaking an agreement or betraying trust might possibly be an acceptable proposition, and the righteous path.

The Bible warns against making ‘oaths to God’ because most of us being pathetically weak mortals who have so little command of our own passions let alone any control of exterior happenstances we will too often break our vows.

Better not to have sworn to anything in the first place!

Knowing our own weaknesses therefore also ought to make us wary of making promises to people when there is any likelihood we may not be able to honor them.

Take care what you commit yourself to undertake and be sure to make any conditional caveats understood before any deal is shaken upon.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…Read
















Tribute to Fabrication Engineer, Farmer, and Tauranga Hillbilly… Bruce Christopher Davies. 7/11/66 – 4/3/18

Bruce drinking Waikato Draught and Joy (My future wife) at a friends 21st.
About 1995

Below is my hastily written goodbye to my long time friend Bruce Christopher Davies, who took his own life 4-3-18.

Bruce was a fully fledged Hard-man Engineering Rebel Bogan… He had a colorful existence… Cars, Bikes, Beer, Woman, and Song.
Hard work and Hard Rock.
In the end it all took its toll…
He will be missed by his Mates, and Family.
This Blog post is to pay Tribute to this Awesome dude… my fabulous friend with a Big Heart.. loved by many.. and for those who never got to pay their respects to Bruce with his unexpected passing.
Please leave comments and photos below.

Bruce and friends at Hamilton Jay day about 2007.


My tale of Bruce Davies.
By Tim Wikiriwhi
Spoken at his Funeral.(Edited)

This story of Bruce Davies … My Story…starts at New Haven engineering, Judea Tauranga in 1987, when I had just moved down from West Auckland a week after finishing my Engineering apprenticeshipā€¦
I had a small Bedford housebus that I drove, and parked up at my mums place in Gate pa.
I was 18, and I wanted to live in Tauranga as from visiting my mother who was living there… the Bay of Plenty appeared to be a paradise!
Plenty of Hot friendly girls, sunshine and beaches!
Just one great big Holiday park!
I was not in Tauranga long before I started looking for work as an engineer.
Being an Auckland Westy, when I met the Bay of Plenty Bogan Bruce Davies who was working at New Haven Structural Engineers ā€¦ we were a cultural perfect fitā€¦ though I was a Christianā€¦ we had the same Westy Bogan values ā€¦ and we hit it off immediately.

Not only that… we had had similar upbringingsā€¦ not known our Fathersā€¦ being raised in a single parent house by our mothers, etc

New Haven was a Structural Fabrication Workshop and We were Building Tanks and structures for the Waihi Goldmine.
Bruce was a great engineerā€¦ a great welder and fabricatorā€¦ a hard man.
Heavy Fabrication Engineering is a real mans job… Not afraid to get dirty… We took pride in being Hard.
He was also a great farmer.

As a New Guy… sitting in the New Haven smoko room full of workers and the Boss, Bruce loudly asks meā€¦ ā€œDo you smoke Pot?ā€
I was shocked!
As a 19 year old Westyā€¦ OF Course I smoked pot! Yet we Westies were *secret squirrel* about such things at our Jobsā€¦ around ā€˜Nomiesā€™/ trendies/etcā€¦ so I was like trying to wisperā€¦ bro keep it down!
Yet it was only a matter of days before I was smoking weed with Bruce outside his mums place in my busā€¦ and drinking Waikato Draught Beerā€¦ two things that would become synonymous with our friendship that would last 30 years.

We would under age Drink Waikato ( Legal drinking age was 20 back then) and play pool at the Otumotai Trust hotel..with Bruce’s mates Al, Mark, and Guyā€¦ the five of us looked like black peas from the same podā€¦ all would wear black Levis, black tee shirts, black jerseys, black beanies, and all were about the same height and all had shaggy long un-kept hairā€¦ and we were suspicious of anyone who did not look like us!

One day I rolled into the Trust Hotel car park in my bus and Bruce said to the boysā€¦ here comes ā€˜the blowflyā€™ā€¦ referring to my green and black busā€¦ and after that my nickname was Blowfly!
Thanks mateā€¦ it was a classic nicknameā€¦ one that makes you cringe.

Me and my Bus.

I had my 21st party at Bruce’s and Nickyā€™s pad in Thompsons track Katikatiā€¦ in a farmhouse where he was milking and farming.

I then moved back to Auckland for a few years with a pretty Tauranga Girl (Carol) and we soon had a Daughter (Melissa) ā€¦ yet having got used to the Tauranga pace ā€¦ the Auckland Rat race sucked and so we moved back to Taurangaā€¦ And I was soon working with Brucie again in Structural Engineering… for a company called Metal Trend… this is when my Son Jamie was born.
(Carol and I would separate a few years later… yet we are friends now)

Bruce had an affinity with cats.
He was a cool Cat! and he certainly had nine lives. He wreaked at least 50% of the vehicles he ever owned…
Bruce had his orange ginger cat ā€˜Russellā€™ who was Bruce’s best mateā€¦ ā€œthe greatest cat in the worldā€ according to Bruce. He nick named Russell ā€˜Patrol leaderā€™ā€¦ Russell was always on patrolā€¦ and they spent many years togetherā€¦ even after Bruces great love Nicky left him for his [other] best friend.
Bruce and Cats went together.

Bruce found Joy (My Wife), Mine, and our sons grey cat Floyd as a tiny Kitten in the gutter outside the Te Rapa Pub Hamilton…One dark winter rainy niteā€¦ and brought him home to our place as at the time he was staying with us after going through another tuff break up with another ladyā€¦

And Bruce as many of you probably already knowā€¦ had his last cat named ā€˜Tuesdayā€™ with him in the carā€¦ and they passed way together. Tuseday is buried on site in the upper reaches of the Cormandal peninsula.

Floyd My Cat… who owes his life to Bruce.

Bruce was a romantic soul, yet like so many of us everytime he fell in loveā€¦ it was followed by a painful break upā€¦ and these were the low points in his life.
I remember how happy Bruce was when he and Amanda had Michaelā€¦ Bruce was a proud Father and it was devastating when He had a messy break up with Amanda, and it was virtually impossible for Bruce to maintain any contact with Michaelā€¦ too painful to deal with the situation, and when Amanda moved to Australia that definitely was a barrier too far for Bruce, and Like me he would have been hoping that at some time when Mike had grown upā€¦ that they would make contact again ā€¦ sadly Bruce took a heavy downturnā€¦ and now this will never happen.

Michaelā€¦ You have my sincere apologies on Bruces behalfā€¦ he was a great Guyā€¦ yet he was a person who… in the end…did not like or function well according to the rules conservative society demandsā€¦
I hope you and I get a chance to talk about your old man so you get to know him better.

As the decades past we had countless good times ā€¦ partyingā€¦ smoking weedā€¦ and hanging out.

I got my first tattoos with Bruce at his house on a Kiwifruit orchard up Omanawa road (lower Kaimai ranges) ā€¦ from a flatmate who was planning to become a tattoo artist and needed some suckers to practice on!
Bruce got a Ledzeplin wizard holding up a lantern on his arm, and the big Scorpion on his back and shoulderā€¦ Bruce was a Scorpio.

Now though some folk will not approve of this yet… as I have already mentioned smoking weed was a major recreational past time for Bruce and I.
I got busted by the police *twice* with Bruce over the years.
Both these times are quite amusing to look back on, yet I would become a staunch Libertarian activist for the decriminalisation of Cannabisā€¦ and Bruce being a Mate would help me with setting up Libertarianz party stands at Jay days etcā€¦ he would take the pics of me speaking, etcā€¦ and some of my best quality photos I have of Bruce are Libertarian activism pics… Both of us were now living in Hamilton Waikato (District).

The war on drugs is very oppressive for fringe-dwellers like Bruceā€¦ and myselfā€¦ people who donā€™t want to conform to the sheepish standards that pass as ā€˜normal/ conservativeā€™ā€¦
We Libertarians despise how oppressive the ā€˜Mob ruleā€™ of our Nanny state democracy is, and defiantly ‘Live like its legal’… and because of righteous activism and world trendsā€¦ cannabis will soon be legal here in New Zealandā€¦ as it has become in many countries around the world.

In 2002 Bruce would be the Best man at Joy and my wedding at Mc Clarens falls in the Kaimai hills above Tauranga.
It was an honor to have him as my best man.
Though I have been fortunate to have had more than one ā€˜Best mateā€™ā€¦ Bruce earned the right to stand beside me on my most important day, in front of most of my other friends and family.
He rose to the occasion and was a great supportā€¦. The after party being the best party of my lifeā€¦ and he was a big part of thatā€¦ we used his stereo for the Soundz, and he was a big help cleaning up in the days that followed.

About twenty years ago Bruce and I had another painful shock.
Bruces life long friend Mark Crosby… one of our tight Posse… killed himself in a car in a reserve on the Matamata side of the Kaimais.
I got the call from Bruce about itā€¦. And every since then I had a fearā€¦ a premonitionā€¦ that Bruce was harbouring thoughts that this was a legitimate option he had for himself.
And this has proved to be the case.

I must ask you all not to follow Bruces example!
It was a very Bad ideaā€¦ Death will come calling for us soon enough and when someone takes their lifeā€¦ they take away any chance for Providence to shine again in their livesā€¦ The Sun will rise again if only you endureā€¦ Hold on and have faithā€¦ Donā€™t let the world break your spirit!
Find something that fills your life with value and meaningā€¦ I have my Christian faithā€¦
Bruce had at least another 20 years of quality life… so many good things he will now miss… and because of what he did..we… the ones that loved him and appreciated him… will miss out too.

Now I am going to close this on a sad note.
About the time that Joy and I were expecting our son Roman, Bruce and I had a falling outā€¦ and I decided to stop visiting him and focus on my new responsibility as a Dad.
I was hoping Bruce would turn up one day and we would talk things through and get things settled and we would carry on as normalā€¦ I lost contact with him when he movedā€¦ yet always hopingā€¦ sadly the years quickly ticked byā€¦ and Bruce never showed.
I am very sad that we never managed to get it sorted.
I am angry that he chose to pass away without tryingā€¦.
And I carry Guilt that I did not act upon my thoughts several years ago to track him down and sort it out.
I am sorry my friend for not being there when you needed meā€¦ not being there to tell you to get your shit together like I did many times before.
I hope you forgive me.
I hope you are in a better placeā€¦ maybe with Mark, and Pat, and your Mum.
Good bye Mateā€¦ and thanks for everything.

Tim Wikiriwhi

With consent of Bruce’s family , We… his friends took Bruce the day before his funeral up into the hills overlooking Raglan, and gave him his ‘last rites’ Bogan style.
We Celebrated his life…. we had our last Beers with him, our last games of Pool… and spent all night laughing and telling hard case yarns about our Bro.
Girls turned up and wept over his coffin, and we transported him in style in a Holden Panel wagon with Triumph Bonneville Escort.
He was dressed in a Black Beanie, Shades, Pink Floyd Dark side of the Moon tee shirt, Blue Jeans and Black Army Boots.
We played his friend Paul Goughs’ Original ‘K9 Convention’ song… absolutely Unique… Rockin… and a track Bruce loved.
I know a lot of people will be bummed out they did not get the chance to see him off… things happened so quickly.
We hope all his mates approve of our send off… It was done in the best Bruce style.
Thanks to everyone who made it to pay their respects, and help make it worthy.
Special thanks to Brucies People in the Waikato.

And there will be a commemoration for Bruce in one years time somewhere appropriate with the idea of perhaps spreading his ashes, and this will be another opportunity for Bruce’s friends to pay their respects.
Maybe McClarens falls… first weekend in March… as Bruce was a part of The Kaimai community and so many of us had great times with Bruce in the Hills there.
Please check this post for updates.

Heaps more Photos of Bruce’s Celebration and Funeral go to my Facebook page … could not fit them into this post Here

Bands Brucie introduced me to.
The Who.
Judas Priest.
Joe Walsh.
Hunters and collectors.
Cheap Trick.

Dylan’s ‘Blood on the tracks’ LP.
Alice in Chains Dirt.
ACDC TNT album.
We would listen to all sorts of cool sounds.
I remember Rockin out to Steve miller Band with Bruce.
Jimmy Barn’s working Class man.
Frank Zappa ‘Sheik yerbouti’.

I introduced him to plenty of classic sounds too… Tool… Rory Gallager… Free… etc etc…

More from Tim… (and Richard)










Update: 4-3-25. 7 years my Friend… Not Forgotten.

Tribute: Hero Christian Biker with AR 15 Shoots it out with Tactically prepared Church Psycho-Killer .

Hero Christian Biker and NRA member Stephen Willeford.

We are a race of fallen beings occupying a world locked in a spiritual battle between Good and evil… this much is certain… and yet just as a person who is born blind cannot know the difference between night and day, so too many people are completely oblivious as to what is *Really going on* …oblivious to what it means to be moral free agents walking upon the Earth living out … and why there is Evil in the world.
Many People look at such evil events as happened in Texas… or having suffered some terrible injustice mistake these things as Proof that there is no such thing as divine justice… no real value or point to human existence or human suffering… and no code by which a person ought to live that may be used to distinguish what is Objectively good from what is evil.
The Darkness and nihilism seeps in.
Some souls… by the Grace of God are not beyond salvation, and though they may wander in darkness for much of their lives eventually they see the light and start to walk towards that light, others may get glimpses of that light… yet because they actually enjoy the darkness… or because they dont think they need the light… purposefully turn their backs.
And still some … because their hearts are filled with contempt and malice…and Ego… Become Evil personified… Monsters whose Evils are on such a scale that sickens all but the hardest of hearts… and blackest of souls.
It all comes down to Choice…. and faith.

This post is not going to expound on that theme to any great depth (I will attach links at the end), yet that opening paragraph had to be said to give context to the Horrific events of Terrorism going on all over the world as we speak, and in particular the Murder of 22+ Christians in a church in Texas by a psychotic Christian hating Atheist out on a personal vendetta… yet this Devil met his Nemesis in the Person of Stephen Willeford… a Christian Biker who rides with the Baptist Church… A man who ran out of his house in bear feet towards the sound of Gun fire while jamming a handful of rounds into the mag of his AR. (ArmaLite Rifle)

Evil Bastard Devin Kelley.

Where was God when all this was happening?…. mocks one of my atheist friends.
God sent one of his Christian soldiers into the nightmare… Stephen… a member of the NRA (an ex instructor)… knew what his Moral Duty was… he did not allow fear or concerns for his own safety be his dominating value, but his love of humanity… and this was an hour his moral weight was being tested… and in an exploit of bravery that is deserving of both Christian and Biker communities highest esteem … and in full accord with both fraternities Codes of conduct, this barefoot Christian Biker engaged the fully armored terrorist mass murderer in a close quarter gunfight and drove him from the scene… and from the testimony of the pursuit that he and another Brave man have retold… it is most likely that One of Stephen’s shots found its mark… The Terrorist crashing and dying a few minutes away from the scene.

Here we see two different world views… two different sets of values at play… One Full of Evil… the other Full of Good… and I feel sorry for anyone whose personal world views blind them to such Patently obvious and objective truths.
Do you think This atheist killer who took pleasure in slaughtering Christians in their place of worship expected to face Divine judgement for his crime?
Boy was he in for an unpleasant surprise!
And this is an important truth to appreciate… No Evil will go unrewarded.
God will judge us all.

Report: Texas Church Shooter Was Atheist, Thought Christians ā€˜Stupidā€™

“The man who shot and killed 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday is reported to be a creepy, crazy, and weird outcast who preached atheism online.”

Texas church shooter was a militant atheist

The Hero on his steed.

Watch the Video interview below… All this is there… yet I wanted to make this Personal tribute to this Hero, and a short rebuttal to my Atheist friend who Mocks God’s existence because of the Evil choices Humans are free to make.


When Evil is at it’s worst… so too do the hero’s…. The best of Humanity ,,, among the most ordinary folk *also* come to the fore….
I must pay tribute to Peggy Lynn Warden

“SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas ā€” Among the horror of the worst church shooting in American history is the story of a woman who made a simple decision.

She would not let the gunman take her grandson.

Peggy Lynn Warden, 56, was among the 26 victims of the massacre at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday. Her brother, Jimmy Stevens, said she used her body to shield her grandson, Zachary Poston, 18, when the gunfire erupted…”

Read more… Grandmother Died Shielding Grandson During Texas Church Shooting

This is what it means to be truly a moral and loving person…living in a spiritual realm where Morality really counts!
Anyone can feign being a good person when the going is easy… its when Evil is afoot that a persons Mettle is truly tested… their values shine forth.

Absolutely Essential principles were clearly demonstrated by these events.
What is needed to halt ‘Evil men with guns’… or rampaging Cars…etc *Is Good men with Guns*… and here we see why an AR is not as it is falsely called ‘An assault rife’ but a valuable too of Defense!
It was his AR that gave him the advantage he needed to drive off this Psycho in full battle dress… Kevlar Body armour and Helmet.. yet who only had a pistol, which though a lethal weapon is far harder to deliver accurate shots esp in the heat of battle.
It is also a testament to the Wisdom and justice of the second amendment right to bear arms… for self defense, as everybody know that the Nutbar Left… and their Political ambitions are to take away guns from law abiding citizens… esp the AR… and we clearly see there that Had not Stephen had both the means of defense and the willingness to risk his own life for others… that most likely more people would have died… and the purp may have even escaped… to rampage elsewhere… before the Police could intervene.
His truck was filled with guns and ammo.

Official reports however say his death was ‘self inflicted’… should we automatically accept this on the word of the Police? These days that is a dubious assumption! And from the preparedness and actions of this Evil Child-killing scumbag it is far more likely he would have tried to shoot it out to the bitter end…going down in a hail of bullets rather than cowardly ending his own life.
I think he was Dead before the cops arrived at the scene.

Johnnie_Langendorff… Drove his truck with Stephen Willeford in high speed pursuit of the killer.

People use Guns everyday in self defense in America yet as this goes against what the lefty media and Liberal agenda attacking the constitutional rights to bear arms these daily events don’t receive anywhere near the sensational and skewed Media reporting as happens when guns are used in mass killings.
Many innocent People are alive today… and many would be killers, rapists, etc are dead because of the Americans right to bear arms for their own defense… yet why is it when you try and communicate this with Sheeple who think guns are evil… all you get is a cross eyed dopey stare and a smirk?
Their anti-gun arguments are quite frankly infantile, on every level… and yet because of the prevailing numerical popularity of their mindset in countries like New Zealand there are Crime waves of armed Robbers robbing Dairies and Gas stations… Liquor store workers get bashed and murdered because the thugs know their victims will be defenseless… have been rendered ‘sitting ducks’… by the legislators… who then carry no remorse or responsibility for the injustice they are party to!

Read: Dairy owners ‘constantly live in fear’

128 tobacco robberies

Liquor store owner killing ‘cold, deliberate’, court told

Thirsty liquor aggravated robbery victim: ‘I’m mentally traumatised

Person in serious condition after South Auckland liquor store robbery

Violence worsening in robberies – liquor store owner

When governments criminalizes the right to self defense, and denies the right to bear the means to do so, good people become the prey of violent criminals… Like lambs to the slaughter…
Apart from the fact that we can attribute the rise of violent crime *directly* to Oppressive Nanny state laws like the war on drugs, alcohol and cigarette Tax hikes, and apart from the fact that the second amendment was written to guarantee that Evil oppressive Governments cannot lawfully dis-arm the people, the truth is when you outlaw guns… they dont just ‘Vanish’ …. you create a society in which *only criminals have guns*.
Thank God Stephen Willeford had an AR!
Ride On Brother!

And Salute to Peggy Lynn Warden… who gave her life for her grandson.

Dont let the haters win… Keep the faith!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christain Libertarian.
New Zealand Biker.

More from Tim…

Other Worldā€¦The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

Gun rights advocates care about your wives, mothers, and daughters.

Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Publicā€™s eyes.

Alcohol, Drugs, Nanny State, and the Plight of the Maori People.

Tim Wikiriwhiā€™s Submission to the New Zealand Governmentā€™s Constitutional Review. 2013

Car Crash.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

Never Happy again.

Chace Topperwien

Charity Never Faileth

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Sick Puppies.

Poster child for Atheismā€¦Hannibal Lecter.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Christā€™s work of Salvation on the Crossā€¦ The Great Equaliser.

The Gospel of Godā€™s Grace.

Man Down. Biker lives matter.

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advancedā€¦ New Zealand Bikers Beware!

The Perfect Woman?

Natā€™s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

Iā€™m Hunter S. Thompsonā€™s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Machine Gun Preacher.

Standing on the Edge of the Abyss? Jesus Saves!

New Zealand Christian Motorcyclists Association.

Tim Wikiriwhiā€™s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Why Motorcycle helmets are Cool.

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark. (Re-post)

Merely an Attunement? Life after Death.

Space Truckin: Dead for 45 minutes.

Christopher Hitchens Dies.

Music played by Christian New Zealand Biker Rimu Tahuaroa and his Band …..

Transgenerism and the Feminist Lobby’s relentless drive to Criminalise Christian values.

The following Blog post is not meant to promote bigotry and hatred towards people who Identify as Transgender, Gay, etc.
They are people with psychological illnesses who are in high danger of suicide, and with this being so it is important that they know that their friends and loved ones care about them.
My Blog post is written to expose the Sexism of Militant *4th wave* feminism and their relentless war against healthy Manliness that has greatly exacerbated and cultivated insane sexism against Men, and encouraged the confusion of vulnerable youths.
4th wave feminists are psychotic Wokesters, distinguishable from classical feminists who righteously fought for equality.
Nothing pleases the Feminists more than Emasculated men wanting to be woman.
Read the following:
“Some studies estimate that 70-80% of all people who express transgender feelings spontaneously lose those feelings over time. Psychosocial adjustment for those who have sexual reassignment surgery is about the same as those who don’t (which is why Johns Hopkins University, one of the most advanced medical facilities in the country, refuses to engage in them).
But the worst part, the most shocking part, is that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20x that of non-transgendered people.”
From >Here

There is a lot of very bad psychology being indoctrinated too… its a minefield.
I would say that if your child claims to be Transgender, that you make sure they feel loved at home… This would be the very most important thing given the risks of suicide.
If my child said they were Gay, that would devastate me, yet I would be sure to let them know that I still loved them… fully.

It is important to appreciate… Moral superiority is no vindication for a poisonous heart. Hate always begets hate, never enlightenment. The Truth needs Love. Read about that >Here.

Now my Blog!…..


The Death Of Masculinity: Male Millennial Swears He Gets His Period Every Month

The ā€œmenā€ of the millennial generation have tried with all their might to kill off whatā€™s left of masculinity, bringing us man buns, male feminists, gender neutral clothing and a slew of men made in the image of Pajama Boy. But it looks like one 22-year-old university student, George Fellowes, finally put the last nail in the manhood coffin: Fellowes swears he gets his period each month.

According to the BBC, Fellowes claims that he has been getting his period ā€œwithout bleedingā€ for three years now. ā€œHe says he’s so close to his best friend and flatmate Amber-May Ellis that he gets cramps when she comes on each month.ā€ This pathetic excuse of a man says he has even taken sick days because of his ā€œperiod.ā€ That he doesnā€™t have.

Read more (if you must) here

^That above link was posted to a FB forum to which I belong.

As a Bible believing Christian and Libertarian, I have for years opposed the Modern Lefty Feminist movement, which is a patently Sexist movement having subverted what was an originally legitimate lobby for political equality and justice.

The Modern feminist movement opperates on a broad front not only within the political sphere, but also applies heavy pressure in the domain of Culture via it’s onslaught of what is considered ‘politically correct’ views in modern society.

In our ‘Bruce jennings…. woman of the year’ society, the feminists movement that is in reality infested with Man hating Lesbian Gay rights activists… has been pushing to allow ‘transgender boys’ into the School rest rooms for Girls.(and visa versa)
And Western society keeps bending… relenting… to these abdications of Traditional values and Biological realities…. step by step… a slide into what is now know as the Post christian era.

Many Infidels openly revel in this and celebrate it… Their Lust and hatred of Christianity gaining ground… and the retreat of Christian morality thrills them… and many pseudo-Christians whom have abandoned the Bible celebrate with them.
Other Infidels… who still retain some of the morality and values they imbibed from their Christian heritage are as shocked as many Bible believers are at this slide into moral chaos… yet as they have no anchor… they have unwittingly contributed to this decline by their own participation in undermining the ideological foundations upon which their own morality and values stand.
As Niche said… By Killing God… they have killed themselves… yet the truth of this has not yet reached their ears.

sexual pedator

^ see this pic… now you may be forgiven for shuddering…. at assuming this is a Man in a woman’s restroom.
Predatory Men have already started using new transgender legislation that allow men whom ‘identify as woman’ to legally use woman’s only facilities. (remember that transgender is not trans-sexual… ie the transgender individual has not undergone a sex change but retains their original bits and pieces… they just ‘Identify’ themselves as the opposite sex)
Yet in fact this picture is *of a transgender woman!* who is attempting to shock her community into granting permission to local transgender woman to use *Mens facilities*
How do you feel about that Guys?
Liberal Legislators expect *You to be cool about it*… likewise Mothers are supposed to be cool about transgender men using the same restrooms as their Daughters. (see picture below)


The Slide away from Christian values means that instead of seeing these confused people as suffering mental illness… psychological problems … Feminists and Anti-Christian Liberals expect society to accept *This utter confusion*… for it to be normalised and embraced.

Notice how *minority disease* is declared to be normal, and the mentally and biologically healthy majority whom recognise that there is definitely something wrong with these people… are said to be bigoted and need to modify their beliefs… and have their natural fears and inclinations suppressed… by force of law if necessary.

Notice how the natural order is expected to give way to the disorder.
Notice how this stuff is headlining in the media
Notice how Christians are expected to shut up about it… and even modify their religion to accommodate this new politically correct social paradigm.


Where is all this heading? The Bible knows.
The Bible has declared it.

I seek to speak to you unbelievers and show you that not only has your unbelief let loose chaos and the end of civil order, but that your atheism itself is a great error…. that the Bible ought to be believed.

The Bible predicted this great Post Christian slide into apostasy and unbelief.
The Bible predicted that Mankind would degenerate into wickedness and become ‘as Sodom and Gomorrah’… and this slide is precisely what we are witnessing via the outworkings of Militant Lefty Feminism and the emasculation of Men.
We are witnessing an unprecedented Uprising and aggrandizement of Homosexuality and Sexual deviancy… The Vessel of mankinds wickedness and rebellion against God is being filled to overflowing.
Good is being called evil… and evil… is being hailed as good.



“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.”
Jesus Christ Luke 17vs 26-29

“And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
Gen 6vs5

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”
Jude 1:7



Read about the link between Homosexuality and Rabid haterd of Christianity here > David Bowieā€¦ stepping through the doorā€¦ Fags, Fanatics,Freedom and Fate.

Today… it has become ‘unacceptable* to suggest that people like Bruce jennings suffer some sort of psychological disorder.
Today… pseudo-scientific Evolutionary psychologists deny any social environmental factors or personal choices have anything to do these sorts of identity crisis but instead insist them to be absolutely natural… a consequence of genetics… and that even Pedophilia is not something immoral… or criminal… but something natural for which Child rapists should not be held criminally responsible.
*You see in this post Christian era… materialism denies free will morality exists….*

Yet of course this theory is only applied in an ad hoc fashion.
*Hetero sexual Men* are said to be sexual predators… rapists by genetics… *Yet they alone* are expected to be controlled by society via systematic emasculation.
*Heterosexual Men* are supposed to be apologetic for being Many men who seek to have sex with Beautiful Feminine woman.
They are expected to look at their views on sexuality as being perverse indoctrination’s of the masochistic oppressive era of Christianity.
They… and any Woman who supports manly heterosexual Men and traditional woman’s femininity and Nuclear family values are the Homophobes.
Woman whom believe in their traditional roll and enjoy it are considered traitors to their sex.
Instead of being considered Liberated and strong… Woman whom exploit their own Beauty are told they are the slaves of Masochistic Paternalism.

Read about that here> Babes and Ball Crushers.

Is it any wonder that under such mass delusion that heterosexual Marriage as an institution is collapsing as the foundation of western society?
Is it any wonder that so many children are now raised in single parent situations… devoid of Fatherly influence?

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The media itself is held to ransom by Fanatical militant feminism.
If anyone should make the mistake of uttering some political incorrect joke, even the High and mighty in Sport, Business, and Politics are pilloried … tared and feathered… by rioting Fat ugly woman, Effeminate men with Pink hair, and Skinny bearded bespectacled Hypsters.
Everyone is terrified of this frenzied rabble to the point that almost no one defends the traditional view of Men as Head of the house… As Healthy when he seeks a beautiful feminine woman whom enjoys being dominated in the bedroom.
A Man asking a beautiful woman on a date is said to be ‘a sexual predator’.

Most consider it Political expedience to go along with this subversive attack on Christian values and to at least in public appear to embrace this new world which not merely tolerates… but normalizes the mental illness of Transgenderism… and imposes it upon those who seek to maintain traditional Christian values ( Forcing Christian Bakers to Bake Homosexual wedding cakes…which is no different for forcing Jewish bakers to bake Nazi wedding cakes)… so that this movement is not about Equal rights, or religious liberty *but the systematic destruction* of Christianity.

As a Libertaian, I dont believe the government should have any say in the private affairs and marriage contracts between consenting adults, yet as long as they do, I supported equal rights for Gays to get married despite many Christians who sought to confound this issue and maintain the prohibition of Gay marriage on the basis that they foresaw that once Gays were granted this equality… that they would then seek to impose Gay marriages upon Christians… force them to open their churches to them for their ceremonies… etc.
I had no doubt that such things would eventuate, yet was not prepared to allow this secondary assumption prevent me from supporting the principle of equality before the Law.
This New fight… is something else that needed to be fought independently of the marriage law reform.

You see the difficulty in being a Christian who understands that True Christianity is Libertarian in it’s modus opperandi… and that though I support equal rights before the Law, I retain my right to peacefully live by my own christian convictions and to vocalise my moral views from a soap box in the public square.

And that is at the heart of this entire Blog post.
I am speaking as an individual against the current Anti-Christian tidal flow towards Sodom and Gomorrah… I condemn it on a Ideological basis, and put out a call to resist all legal political compulsions that violate the principles of religious liberty… yet I do not seek to impose my views upon others by force… I do not hate Gays, homosexuals, or woman who act like they have testicles…
I simply desire to be free to live my life as a proudly Many man whom Thanks God for beautiful Feminine woman who love to be man handled in the bedroom… and love having Manly Husbands who teach many things and values to their sons.


Read about Feminism and the death of Good sex and Romance here> Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

To the degree that this abandonment of Christian values is a voluntary movement… as a Libertarian Christian I only seek to combat it via preaching my own values and beliefs… via reason and persuasion… never by resisting legitimate reforms or lobbying for laws that impose my personal beliefs upon peaceful people whom choose to reject them… yet I reserve the to protest against any encroachments upon my own religious liberty to follow my own conscience… and preach my values.

Yet Still the march towards Sodom and Gomorrah will continue… there will be seated the AntiChrist.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

Just remember you have been forewarned by the Bible that stands sure against the tide… a light in the darkness… the rock on which I stand.

Below is an interesting clip…
Most days This dizzy Blonde gets on her knees for Donald Trump yet on this occasion her Rightism is right…. The cause is Fanatical Lefty Feminism.

She is clickbait for sure…. yet I posted it because for 2 seconds she touches on thi very serious topic I have been writing about …. The emasculation of western civilization…. and the downward slope to Sodom and Gomorrah…. and the end of the world.
In that hour the Light of Christianity will be all but extinguished (save Gods Remnant minority) and The Sexual insanity that is the rejection of Christian values and Ideals will reach it’s zenith.

It is at that hour… when the wickedness of humanity is full… The Sky will crack open and Christ will appear… bringing wrath and judgement.


And who’s fault is it if Woman Freak out at see-ing what appears to be a bearded man in their dressing rooms and rest rooms?
It the fault of the Mentally ill person who has dress themselves up and taken male steroids etc to grow a beard…etc!
And there is no way Lesbian Liberals and Fags have any right to lay a guilt trip on healthy and normal people for them being disturbed by the unnatural and perverse behavior of Sexually confused and perverted individuals.
*If these ‘Deranged people’ suffer social alienation because ordinary people dont accept their weird behavior… then they must get used to it as the price they must pay.
They have no right to insist people accept them as normal.
As a Libertarian, I dont have any issue with Drag queens, etc hanging out together… no problem with Gay bars or what ever as long as I am free to maintain my own beliefs… to separate myself from their activities… and not be compelled by law to do anything that goes against my own conscience.

If I owned a shop, though I am a christian, I would have no problem serving transgender customers.
My beliefs dont demand I treat anyone who disagrees with my beliefs with anything other than respect
That some Christians think they are obliged to reject sinners and infidels… for example not bake a Gay wedding cake… I find very unchristian… yet I respect their right to follow their own conscience …

God does not hate Fags.
God hates sin, yet he sent Christ to pay the penalty of sin so that he could show all us sinners mercy and forgiveness to whosoever calls upon Christs Name.
It is the Devil who seeks to deceive homosexuals into thinking God hates them… and to Hate God and reject Christ. Homosexuals are no worse than Carnal Heterosexuals which perverse fetishes, and the desire to fornicate or commit adultery.
Most human beings have sexual desires they dont like keeping in subjection to Gods order.

Unbridled sensuality; excess.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, LASCIVIOUSNESS. ( Galatians 5:17-19 )

I am not a Good Christian.

Read about my own struggles here> Thorns in the Flesh.

I dont profess to being sexually ‘Holy’ or any more self righteous than any one else… in fact I take great care not to pretend to be a saint or make any promises to God that i will be a good boy.

I will finish this blogpost with an unashamed declaration of defiance!
Not against God’s expressed order… though it condemns many things I take pleasure in… But defiance against the Antichrist Man-hating Feminist tide that is emasculating Men and leading western civilisation to Damnation.

Though I am shamefully carnal and shallow yet I am unashamed of the fact that I believe Men should be Manly and strong and look at woman as Sexually desirable playthings.
That is not my whole description or evaluation of woman, but it is an important one… and I also enjoy being the sexual plaything of woman…. so there is a reciprocal equality… a compatible unification of different beings… the nut and the bolt… the hand in the glove… nothing to be ashamed of…. everything to be enjoyed… and it is the rightful order… the way the Lord designed things… and it matters not that so many of you *hate* to contemplate the truthfulness of this.
I will leave you to stew on all this with 2 flagrantly Pro-Heterosexual music Videos that Glorify Sexy Woman.
Praise the Lord!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
1611 king james Bible believer.

Update: It’s already happening….

Creepy Man Undresses in Women’s Locker Room and Won’t Leave; Blames Gender Identity Law

May The Good Lord’s mercy be upon her. May he protect her and lead her to the knowledge of the Gospel truth and the salvation that is in Christ.

Tim the Toolman: Jesus built my Hotrod.


2000 years on, The Gospel message about ‘The Builder’ Jesus Christ still works it’s life changing…. saving power.
All the Atheist Lies and darkness in this world have not dimmed the Light of truth.
It shines for anyone who doers not love the Darkness… for anyone who is not willfully blind.
Below is the testimony of another popular and Successful person who is proud to be a Christian, and who encourages others to trust in Christ.
I give thanks to God for his testimony.
The Gospel of God’s grace is the most important truth that all human beings must choose to embrace… or be damned…
It matters not if you dont like the choice… it is unavoidable… each and everyone’s *own choice* will determine where you spend eternity.
The fool has said in his heart ‘there is no God’.
The heart of man is deceitful above all things… and desperately wicked.
It is appointed unto man, once to die… and after this… the Judgement.
God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners…. Christ died for us… and rose again the third day in victory over sin and death.
Whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
1611 King James Bible believer,


Tim Allen Shares The Heartbreaking Story That Lead To His Faith In Jesus. (

Tim Allen may be known for his hilarious jokes and handyman hobbies, but thereā€™s a side of Tim Allen many havenā€™t seen.

Tim Allen believes in God. And if you meet him in person, youā€™ll quickly learn that heā€™s unashamed to tell you so.

But Allen doesnā€™t claim to be a perfect Christian. In fact, he admits that many of his lifeā€™s deepest struggles are what caused him to turn to Christ.

Tim Allen hasnā€™t always had it easy.. Like many celebrities of our day, Allen wrestled with addiction and alcoholism in his younger days.

Allenā€™s father was tragically killed by a drunk driver when Tim was only 11-years-old. Through the unimaginable grief, Tim struggled to pick up the pieces.

After his fatherā€™s tragic death, Allen questioned whether if he had prayed harder or had been with his father that fatal day, he could have prevented his death. Not knowing where else to turn, Allen found comfort in drug and alcohol abuse.

On October 2, 1978, Allenā€™s life took a dramatic turn when he was arrested for possession of over 650 grams (1.43 lb) of cocaine. Allen pleaded guilty to drug trafficking charges, and was released after serving two years and four months in federal prison.

Read more here


David Bowie… stepping through the door… Fags, Fanatics,Freedom and Fate.

Ruff Draft…To be edited.


News of David Bowie’s death from cancer reached Cyberspace tonight (Jan 11 2016NZ).
Planet Earth is Blue and there’s nothing I can do.
I am merely one of untold millions of fans who have been rocked by the news… esp having only today gossiped with friends about his latest songs… and that “He’s still shocking… and still got it!”.
Now I see that his latest songs were a foreboding message to his fans that the Reaper was calling.
Obvious now.
This is where my Blogpost comes to the Tee intersection.
One direction heads up ā€˜Tributeā€™ hill towards the usual sycophantic adoration and pinning.
The other heads down Guile pass which is the path enjoyed by those who seek to throw stones, and take opportunity to exercise their personal piety.

There will be plenty of both types of commentaries on Bowieā€™s life for everyone to slake their thirstsā€¦ each according to their palates.
Mine is going to careen off these well beaten pathsā€¦ on a tangentā€¦ out out somewhere I donā€™t expect many to want to goā€¦ as it will not completely satisfy any particular mindsetā€¦. Except the minority of social outcasts like myself.
And this in it self is 50% of why I think The passing of David Bowie is not only an opportunity for me to express some of my personal insights, but the best tribute to him that I can produce.
You see that when people dieā€¦ there is a popular conception that in the ā€˜time of respect for the deadā€¦ and for those grievingā€™ā€¦ that certain things are best left unsaid.
I broke that rule in my Tribute to Scott Weiland… and his tragic end, yet obeyed it when I did my recent Eternal Vigilance Blog tribute to Lemmy from Motorhead which is conspicuously absent of any personal commentary and just filled with snapshots, and videos of his exploits, yet in doing so I fail to explain my own reasoning to the lovers and hatersā€¦ why a Bible believing Christian still likes Lost souls like Lemmyā€¦ and this was to avoid saying things I knew would upset everyone.
Yet I donā€™t like writing stuff simply to please the masses, or avoid controversy at the expense of my strongly held personal views.
I donā€™t like remaining quite about things that I believe need to be said even though I will probably upset everybodyā€¦ for different reasons.
I donā€™t write to please. I write to hold up the Torchā€¦ and so it is that I will do Bowie the tribute of boldly speaking my mind about his life and how I see he fits in to the Flow of Culture and the story of western civilization.
I could make the following sorts of comments about most of the greater Rockers of Recent history, yet taking care of business here and now will mean that I can avoid this long windedness in many future tributes that I will write, and will simply be able to refer readers to this post.
Eternal vigilance blog has from itā€™s foundation *Always been about the Music.*

Blar Blar Blar.
I have probably already lost 50% of my readers ā€¦ too much talk about meā€¦ not enough about Bowie, yet I believe I have now set up the necessary props for the main show to begin.
With reverence I salute David Bowies musical genius and contributions to the happiness of Millions of Fans.
I grew up loving Space Oddity, Star Man, Ashes to ashes, etcā€¦. all received via Radio waves.
Via that same medium my spirit wandered to ā€˜Rocket man, Donā€™t let the sun go down on me, Saturday nights alright for fighting, Another one Bites the Dust, Radio Gag ga, Flash, Who wants to live for ever?, etc.
Why have I included these tracks from Elton John, and Queen?…. some of you will have already guessed yet for those who need further explanation, it is because the musical genius of David Bowie, is part of the massive contributions to music and western culture made by mega talented Homosexuals and the impact they have hadā€¦. For better or for worse on our societiesā€¦ modifying the very sexual fabricā€¦ and depending on which faction you choose to belongā€¦ most peoples’ sentiments will be typified in the common antagonisms of various conflicting world views.

David Bowie went through changes… was married twice, yet like many Rock stars, David Bowie in his younger years gratified his insatiable sexual appetites, which included having orgies involving both sexes. I donā€™t need to dwell on this any further to explain an important aspect of my blog postā€¦ My concern for his Immortal soul.
Did David Bowie receive the Gift of Godā€¦. Salvation from the Judgment of God that all sinners face?
Or was heā€¦ like so many Homosexuals/ Bi sexuals an infidel to the bitter end?
I am a ā€˜Straightā€™/ heterosexual guyā€¦ and A Christian, yet though I share the typical revulsion at the thought of Homosexual activitiesā€¦ and the common Christian belief that Homosexuality is perverse, I do not share the common and historical Christian idea that Homosexuals are ā€˜Extra evil/ sinfulā€™ or the desire to persecute them.
In truth I confess my own sexual perversityā€¦ which I need not go into any further detail, but mention the fact because in my view all so-called straight people are just as guilty of Sexual degeneracy as homosexuals are ā€¦. We all fall short of the mark of Purity and holinessā€¦ and that needs to be said because it exposes the hypocrisy of the Bigots whom desire to persecute Homosexuals, but turn a blind eye to their own sins.
In fact the sin of Adultery which is most common among ā€˜Christiansā€™ ought to be considered *more evil* than plain homosexuality between consenting adults because Adultery not only offends God, and breaks the marriage covenant with him, but also involves dishonesty and the betrayal of third parties… the spouses…real victims of the offense.
Yet still I want to discuss the probable reasons why of all sinners and reprobates many Homosexuals seem to be ā€˜Extra antagonisticā€™ towards Christianityā€¦. A tragic situation given that Godā€™s love towards us sinners motivated him to send Christ ā€¦ so that ā€¦Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord might be saved.
There is none righteous no not oneā€¦ for all have sinned and come short of the glory of Godā€¦ saith St Paul.
Many Christians however think that God hates Homosexuals, and that they are a class of sinner all on their ownā€¦ and are without hope.

In my view the phenomena of Homosexuality is yet another signpost to the truthfulness of the Biblical doctrine of original sin and the fall of Adam. Itā€™s straight up weird.
As the saying goes God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
The Human condition itself is perfectly explicable via the literal theology of Genesis.
God made sex pleasurable and most importantlyā€¦ for procreation of our kindā€¦ yet true to form Sinful mankind has found ways to pervert this Divine order.
The Penis and vagina *Are designed* to function together as surely as the bolt and the nut, with the resultā€¦ a miraculous thingā€¦ Childrenā€¦. Little peopleā€¦ in accordance not with Darwin, but with the Biblical law of Kind after itā€™s Kindā€¦ unfortunately after the fall of our Original parentsā€¦. We are born fallen beingsā€¦ mortal, sinful, and perverse.
The First born Mortal murdered the second bornā€¦
And so the nature of fallen humanity has determined our History, and affected every society.
There is no desert Island filled with Noble savagesā€¦ no times or places where societies have not had their share of Murderers, thieves, Adulterers, and Homosexuals.
The Laws of the book of Genesis are IronClad, and it is in that first book of the Bible that the perversion of Homosexuality is found full blown.
After the Judgment of the wicked world by flood, we see that sin had ‘stowed away’ on the Ark, and a Drunken Noah was raped by his son Ham, and later Descendants of his grandson Canaan built the notoriously Corrupt cities of Sodom and Gomorra.
These cities were destroyed by God Almightyā€¦ and this was in an age (dispensation) before The Mosaic Law.
Homosexualityā€¦. Along with eating Shellfish were ā€˜Abominationsā€™ prohibited to the Jewsā€¦ as was working on Saturdays.
Adultery was also forbidden to Jews, and Jesus himself said that even if they Looked at another manā€™s wife with lust that they had committed adultery in their hearts.
Not only does mankind have strange lustsā€¦ We are also by our sinful and lost natures prone to hypocritical Judgment and vicious persecution.
The term ā€˜Faggotā€™ is of course reference to times when the persecution of Homosexuals by Christians meant they were Burned aliveā€¦ Google what a faggot was if you need to. (It is Ironic that many Homosexuals prefer to be called ‘Faggs’…. go figure!)


Why I myself donā€™t share this historical lust to Legally oppress homosexuals is because I am a Dispensationalist Christian who understands just how Evil, Unchristian, and unbiblical this sort to Horror really is.
I understand that while the Bible does say that Homosexuality is wicked, displeases God, and was illegal under the Jewish theocratic Laws which were a part of their Covenant with him, that Christianity as preach by St Paul is a completely different ā€˜voluntary societyā€™ under which no such legal imposition of morality can be rightfully endorsed.
Thus I condemn the historic persecutions of Homosexuals, Witches, Drug users, etc under the guise of ā€˜Christianityā€™ and ā€˜Civilizationā€™ as being Wicked heresy and absolutely at variance with the true spirit of Christian grace and modus opperandi.
Christianityā€™s solutions to the wickedness of humanity is via the Gospel of Godā€™s grace and voluntarily embraced values and ideasā€¦ not via Moral legalisms imposed on unbelievers via Political force.
Like every other form of Bigotryā€¦ so many Christians seethe with self righteous malice and lust and crave for the legal right to vent their hatred upon the target of their prejudiceā€¦ and this is where the Demon possessed Lynch mobs and Stake burnings of history have caused the name of Christ to stink in the nostrils of so many sinners for whom Christ died to bring Salvations and Gods forgiveness.
And this persecution has been horrific!
And following Moral causationā€¦ Evil tends to produce reciprocal evils, this historic persecution has led to the phenomena that today Homosexual fraternities are Rabidly Anti-Christ ā€¦ to an extreme and bigoted degree.
While this in itself is nasty and foolish, and has resulted in violence towards innocent Christians, and should be condemnedā€¦ It is understandable given humanities weakness for recklessly and hypocritically dealing out evil for evil.
You would think that having been the victim of Bigotry and injustice that newly liberated minorities would be wise, and would hesitate to perpetrate similar evils against othersā€¦ yet the fact is that Human beings are very slow to apprehend general principles, and are quick to take opportunity for venting their own personal hatred with violence.
Today Homosexuals stand at the very forefront of the drive to ā€˜De-Christianizeā€™ western civilization, not simply on the political level (much of which I Agree with as truly progressive for civilization and Christianity), but more fundamentally they attack faith in Christianity, and biblical morality.
Two examples.
The first example I present is the musical genius and raving Homo ā€¦Maynard James Keenan of ā€˜Toolā€™ā€¦. My favorite band.
I will talk about how guys like David Bowie moved modern society to make Bands like Tool possible very shortly, yet here I simply want to point out that few bands reach the heights of Anti-Christian distain, and revel in the highest forms of Homosexual perversity as Tool has reached under the guidance of Maynard.
His sexually perverse lyrics are descriptive and he writes Song Titles like ‘Stink fist’, ‘Hooker with a penis’, and ‘Prison sex’, and his blasphemies drag Christ himself down into his perverse mentality.
He accounts other Antichrists as his mentors and idols and apparently took pleasure ā€˜Punkingā€™ Kornā€™s Brian Head for converting to Christianity on M TV.
The behavior of Guyā€™s like Maynard summon visions of the Cross road and bargains with Satan… offering Fame and glory, if they will serve himā€¦ and he gets their souls.
There is a video out there in cyber space with him dressed up as Red Satan… yet it is all a mockery.

My second example of the link between Homosexuality and the modern Anti-Christian movements isā€¦
I personally know one of New Zealands most militant Atheists and Antichrists.
Radio and TV personality, Founding Father of the now disbanded New Zealand Libertarian party (Libertarianz), the unabashed Homosexual and Objectivist Lindsay Perigo.
In Politics I consider him my New Zealand mentor, to the extent that we both occupy whats is described in Libertarian circles as the ā€˜puristā€™ positionā€¦ absolutely opposed to Political correctness, and compromise, and committed to standing on principle irrespective of how extremely unpopular any position might be.
Many times this has us standing among some of the most loathed minorities, in opposition to many of the most popular rallies for New persecutions.
Many times we have been criticized even by so-called fellow Libertarians for being too ridged and lacking Political expedienceā€¦ after all is it not a political partyā€™s ambition to be popular enough to get elected?
Linz and I would always say NOPE!
We would say there is no point getting into parliament nakedā€¦ without our principlesā€¦ and that to fool voters about our real intents for the sake of getting elected would be the very height of Shysterismā€¦ and such strategies are irrefutable evidence of such candidates unworthiness to Govern!
We never did get electedā€¦ but does this prove we are wrong?
I think not.
I have put myself forward at countless elections, always with the same values and Ideals.
I have never been successful in being electedā€¦ yet I say I have never *lost* an election because I have always remained true to my personal convictions and always forthrightly expressed them to the voting public, even when I know how unpopular my Libertarianism is because it threatens the vested interests of the Status quo, and refuses to pander to the popular phobias of the masses.

We have also watched many of the ‘expedient touting Compromisers who though claiming to be Libertarians, distain idealism and instead claim pragmatism to be far more effective in the battle for freedom ā€¦ as Act Party membersā€¦ they get elected to parliament by selling out many of their professed values…because their position is less threatening to status quoā€¦ yet Time after time, year after yearā€¦ these types prove to be useless inert nothingsā€¦ effecting no Libertarian reformsā€¦ just collecting a State pay chequeā€¦ funds for their partyā€¦ and actually working for the beast against justice and libertarian ideals.
These sorts of people have never been responsible for the reforms that have slowly raised western civilization out of barbarism and oppression.
As Ayn Rand saidā€¦ in any compromise with evilā€¦ evil wins.
Both Linz and I are Stubbornā€¦ yet we prefer the terms like Resoluteā€¦ Stalwart.

So back to the subjectā€¦ on this political level Linz and I are Kindred spirits, yet on another we are polls apartā€¦ the matter of Religion.
And it is easy to see how history will have guided many Homosexuals towards Libertarianism , yet also affected a deep hatred of Christianityā€¦ and not simply because of the persecutionsā€¦ but also because it says Homosexuality is perverse and sinful.
They donā€™t like being called perverts, and they have been militantā€¦ esp in the atheist Leftist sphere of politics in systematically attacking Christian valuesā€¦ far beyond merely the removal of unjust lawsā€¦ but in attempting to ā€˜normaliseā€™ homosexuality and obliterate the idea that it is sinful.


The Left via Marx has always been an Anti-Christian movement, always attempted to overthrow the Christian world view and install itā€™s own Atheistic pseudo moralityā€¦ Yet It is disappointing for me that though Lindsey Perigo is super intelligent and was smart enough to abandon Socialism for libertarianismā€¦ yet he still harbors a vicious hatred for the Christian religionā€¦ and in fact believes that belief in God is one of the pillars of tyranny.
As an Objectivist his personal Ego knows no bounds and any belief that he is somehow a pervert is tantamount to Blasphemy against his self-worship.
Interesting enough his Goddessā€¦ the Atheist Ayn Rand also thought homosexuality was immoral and perverse, yet he has gone to great lengths to argue *She was Wrong!* about thisā€¦ proving *No argumentā€¦ no matter who from what direction will ever convince Lindsey to believe Homosexuality is sinful.

Stalwartā€¦ or beyond reason?
Lindsay is dedicated to keeping his conscience clear about his personal sexualityā€¦ and there is plenty of Modern Psychology and pseudo science to under-gird his ideological Edifice.

As a christian vehemently condemn his chosen Religion of Atheism!
Not only because I believe it to be false, but just as importantly because in my view it is corrosive to the underpinnings of Libertarianism and the Justice of the principle of Equal rights for all…. which are squarely founded upon Biblical Theistic principles… Inalienable rights being *God Given* and above any dictates of Human government.
Thus I contend that despite that manifold evils that have been committed in God’s name… that Linz is absolutely wrong… and that Religion is essential to Freeing humanity from Tyranny!
See some of my aruements >here< and >here< and >here< Nonetheless Yet I sympathize with Atheists , having been one myself... knowing the Darkness they mistake for light... and just how alien Theism is to the Godless. I spend a great deal of my spare time attempting to present well reasoned arguments both for faith in the Bible, and exposing the follies of Atheist materialism. Though there is no *HomoGene* yet still Modern Atheist Evolutionary psychology is attempting to obliterate Christian morality by denying freewill, and saying all our thoughts, choices, and desires are nothing but machine programs originating in our DNA. For Homosexuals this would mean they cant be morally responsible for their perversions any more than a waterfall is responsible for gravity. Via such a conception the idea that Homosexuality is genetic eliminates the whole accusation that it is 'Un-natural'....against nature. Read more >here< Any one Goggling Lindsay Perigo and religion, atheim, etc will find mountains of his works that seethe with bitterness and hatred for all things Christian... for theistic religion in general.... to him they are all equally false... equality oppressive and Evil. The perseverance of Homosexuality while supporting the doctrines of the book of Genesis *actually defies the theory of evolution* because if it was merely some form of Genetic anomaly... it is definitively *a dead end*.... Homosexuality makes such Genetics... less fit to survive... because it is sterile... tending towards Extinction. His unwavering animosity towards Christianity has meant that despite our Political Comradeship, Lindsay and I are so diametrically opposed on the question of Religion as to only communicate on rarest of occasions...and this is sad because as Libertarians we could have been the best of friends and allies. The choice to keep our lives separate is no doubt mutualā€¦ I do it to insulate myself from his Rabid atheism, and I assume he does it to insulate himself from my Rabid Christian Theismā€¦ though we may find each others political posts inspiring, and fortifying, We find each others daily rants about religion intolerable. .. so in keeping with the best Libertarian idealsā€¦ we simply leave each other alone. I pray for his enlightenment and Salvationā€¦ yet it appears to me that Homosexuals are some of the most blinded souls to the mercy and forgiveness of God. I hope that if he ever reads this post that it gives him pause. Here is but a tiny snippet Anti theism/ Anti-Christianity from Linz's pen... quite a mild example at that, yet shows just how he maintains his hatred by reliving the dark ages... "In the case of the good guys like Aristotle and Jefferson, their lapses contradicted their essential goodness. In the case of Christianity, persecution, torture and bigotry went with the territory (and still would if the fagot-lighters had political dominance)[ie, Christians are EVIL!!!]. They who believe absurdities (such as your lonely goblin story) commit atrocities. [See, see, EVIL!!!!] They who are capable of believing in the justice of eternal torture are not going to have any qualms about inflicting temporary torture [Oh, except for not wanting to end up there themselves, but we'll ignore that ... Christians are EVIL!!!!]." Lindsey Perigo Many Homos refuse to forget the ages of persecutionā€¦ even though they themselves may have never have experienced any of it. They will have encountered plenty of Zealous Christians motivated by the same Self-righteous hatred who have told them ā€˜God hates Fagsā€™ā€¦ and insisted that Homosexuals are far more deviant sinners than themselves. This Rank hypocrisy of the Christians only serves to strengthen their resolve to die unrepentant ā€¦ thumbing their noses at Christ with their dying breath, yet in reality The Bible does not single out Homosexuality as being more wicked than other sins, nor does it instruct Christians to hate themā€¦ yet still many do. To Homosexualsā€¦ Militancy against Christianity is exercising their Rightsā€¦ and paybacks for centuries of oppression of ā€˜their kindā€™, and to Libertarians like myself it is a just that they are now free not only from persecution for being gay, but also to speak their minds without censureā€¦ even though many of them are now actively attacking *my own faith*. Not only do I understand where their angst came from, I believe they have the right to reject Christ, and vocally express their views, and am glad that the era of Legalistic oppression of homosexuals is virtually over in Western democracies. And here we Return to David Bowie and his Gay Friends and contemporaries, whose musical talent has helped to break down the walls of bigotry by their sheer geniusā€¦ and musical gifts they have bestowed upon their generations. They were a big part of the movement of Liberation, often activists and spokesman. They are adored by millions. Society no longer cheers, but morns when they die. And I am one of their fans who love the music... and the freedom that comes when ancient tyrannies crumble. I cant help but chuckle about the revelation that David Bowie was getting so High that he cant even remember making one of his most revered Lp's Station to Station. :-D Freddy Statue
Swiss monument to Freddy Mercury.

Yet typically for mankindā€¦. As Ralph Waldo Emersonā€¦ ā€˜the law of Compensationā€™ is a part of the human condition, and is at all times at work.
This law means that for every advance, progression, reform, positive Good innovationā€¦ there will resultā€¦ from the human condition some Declinesā€¦. Some negatives.
This means that when some good man creates something designed to improve the human conditionā€¦ that some scoundrels will in short succession figure out how to use it for wickednessā€¦ and so it is that Homosexuals in western civilization have not merely been liberated from oppression, many are hell bent on actually manipulating the general bigotry of atheists towards traditional Christianity, into Lobbying for Laws forbidding Christians from exercising their own religious liberty!
Theses militant Atheists seek to prevent Christians vocalizing their belief that Homosexuality is sinfulā€¦ by labeling such expressions as ā€˜hate speechā€™.
Having been granted the right to get ā€˜marriedā€™ā€¦ some homosexuals maliciously call upon ā€˜anti-discrimination lawsā€™ in the hope to *force churches* to perform Gay marriages *against their own will and beliefs. They demand Christian Bakers bake them Gay Marriage cakes, etcā€¦ and all this is not only a gross hypocrisy on their part, not only new oppressions, but also ammunition for those bigoted Christians who resisted Law reforms that removed oppressions from Homosexuals.
Wikipedia has a page on ‘Militant Gays’>here<. MilitantHomosexuals0

Yes, Mankind as a society appears fated to remain unregenerateā€¦ It is not only the poor who will always be with usā€¦. But also the spirits of Bigotry, Hypocrisy, and Oppression.
They just take on new formsā€¦ and reciprocateā€¦ as power shifts from one side to the other.
Thus it is difficult for a Libertarian to say that Western civilization has in reality become more enlightenedā€¦ but rather gains on one side are being counterbalanced by regressions on another.
Homosexuality is nothing new, yet in terms of ā€˜the salt of the Earthā€¦. Christian values and it’s cultural paradigmā€¦ the moral slide that David Bowie and Homosexual atheists have played such a massive part in may be understood by looking backā€¦ Bowie was ā€˜Shocking for his dayā€™ā€¦ yet comparatively benign compared to what is needed to shock us today.
We have all to a certain degree acclimatized to the ā€˜Post Christian eraā€™ā€¦ We are inoculated rather than enlightened… at ease with Sexual perversityā€¦. We feel this liberalism as an opiate on our conscienceā€¦ yet which is in reality a regression back towards Sodom and Gomorrah.

We read articles predicting consumers are expected to buy more ‘Gender neutral’ toys this year… ‘As the lines between sexes continue to Blur’.

Checkmate Feminists!

We are all more comfortable with our own sinsā€¦ we feel less need for Christ.
Many Christians are forsaking the spirit of Persecution of Homosexualsā€¦ yet because of the Atheist propaganda that has accompanied this shiftā€¦ they themselves have been abandoning faith in the veracity of the Theology of Genesis!
They Join the Infidel chorus in ā€˜normalisingā€™ and morally sanitizing Homosexuality!
Some Liberal churches willingly perform Gay marriages, have Gay Priests and ministers, etcā€¦. and in my view this is nothing short of a sell outā€¦ the loss of Truthā€¦ part of the slide downhill.
It is one thing to stop persecuting sinners and infidelsā€¦ yet quite another to endorse them and absolve them of sin.
It has always been the hardest thing for me as a Christian Libertarian to walk the line between these two factions of Christianityā€¦ to one moment be seen standing with the liberals against oppression, and yet the next be standing with the conservatives in support of their rights to call homosexuality Sinful.
Both sides think Iā€™m a sell outā€¦ and Most Homosexuals dislike me simply because I am a Christian.
How many ‘Facebook likes’ will this Blog post receive?
I expect very few.

This is not the note I was hoping my tribute the Great David Bowie and discourse to finnish.
His Death from Cancer of the liver is tragically but one of millionsā€¦ my own Dear Aunty Carol died that way.
Modern medicine being able to thwart many of the Grim Reapers traditional weaponsā€¦ he resorts to this accursed blight more and moreā€¦ and it is greatly feared.
Yet still the Upside of such deaths gives the departing time not only to say good bye to friends and loved onesā€¦ it also gives them time to contemplate their own spiritual condition knowing they are about to pass through the door into eternityā€¦ it gives then opportunity to call upon Christ to be saved.

The fact Bowies second marriage to a stunning Muslim woman lasted 23 plus years an was cut short by his death, leaves us to speculate that he had in fact abandoned his need for homosexual gratification, and none other than Christian Evangelist Ray Comfort speculates that Bowie himself may have been contemplating his approaching appointment with his maker ā€¦ and “returned to the faith of his youth”ā€¦ in his last song named ā€˜Lazarusā€™ he singsā€¦ ā€Look at me Man, Iā€™m in Heavenā€¦ā€.
I truly hope so!
For the blood of Christ is powerful enough to redeem the foulest, most depraved of sinners who but calls upon his nameā€¦. and I say for all his sins and perversionsā€¦ for all his participation in the moral slide of contemporary western civilizationā€¦ David certainly was not the most evil of menā€¦ not by a long shot.
Far Worse in my book are all those who commit persecutions and evils in Christā€™s holy and blessed name because they inspired the backlash and rejection of Christ.
David will be greatly missed.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


Update:16-1-16 Stuff article: David Bowie’s sexuality is still hotly debated, but does it matter?

“In the days since his death, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender fans have shared how the rocker influenced their lives and helped bring queer culture into the mainstream in the 1960s and 1970s. In essays, interviews, on Twitter and on Facebook, they told how his rise gave them strength.
Many saw a kindred spirit in Bowie’s various characters and gender-bending style, beginning with his first androgynous persona, Ziggy Stardust, in 1972. Not only had he made a glittery, alien-looking creature look cool, he had helped pioneer a sexy (and marketable) form of otherness that mainstream artists have tried to replicate in the decades since…”

Read more >Here< Update 2: 20-1-16 Bowie Really is in Heaven!! :-) bowie constilation

Read >>> David Bowie: astronomers give the Starman his own constellation.

‘Good Atheists’ and the seriousness of sin. Good God/Evil world. 6

good atheists

Several things today have stimulated me to write this post, the second being that Meme above which was posted to my Facebook page by an Atheist friend.
She commented that she actually likes ‘this Pope’, and from this meme it is easy to see why he has impressed unbelievers, and Heretics/Protestants.

On face value…. in the ordinary sense as a Protestant Libertarian I’m impressed too by the simple fact that it is a far cry from the sort of Tyrannical dogma the world has come to expect from Pontiffs, and thus it appears such moderation is a good thing for peace and harmony between The Catholic church, and the rest of us.

Yet on another very important level these Liberal sentiments which appeal to my atheist friend betray some of the most important spiritual truths which are fundamental to understanding The Lord, which leads onto the central topic of my post… The seriousness of Sin.

This Meme is true…. using a yardstick of ‘comparative goodness’.
There are/have been…. comparatively speaking…. many Good atheists, and many Evil doers whom have called themselves followers of Christ.
Eg Dawkins may say with confidence to me “I’m holier than thou!”… and indeed this may be completely true.
I have done many wicked deeds to which Dawkins may have not even come close… I know not his secrets.

Yet ultimately this rationale is a deadly trap!
Because it is using *the wrong measure*.
The true measure of Goodness in this Universe is not out shining our peers… but is Absolute Holiness… of which we all fall short.
This True measure means *We all* need the Salvation of God which is in Christ.
By God’s perfect standard… “There is none righteous… no not one…”
“For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God”.
Thankfully God is Rich in mercy and has made away for us to be saved from the righteous judgement of our wicked deeds, yet which still satisfies the demands of Justice, and allows us ourselves the liberty to choose redemption or reject it.

“For God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
“…whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved…”


I have written on this train of thought before and you can read a more expanded veiw here>>> Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.<<< Of course it is a very peculiar thing for atheists to claim to be 'Good' given their world view denies the veracity of ethics! This is a testament to the fact that many many atheists have not the Steel to countenance the depressing 'reality' of their own Amoral Cosmology. The hardest, most real of them look at the chaos and misery which befalls humanity and say it is a testament to the truth of their assertions... "there can be no God in such a world"... there is no right or wrong... either in Earthquakes, or Rape, or genocide.... any such feelings of injustice have no objective reality... they are merely the pathetic wimpers of Soul-less machines who have no more intrinsic value... or rights... than the stardust of which they are composed. Many simply believe you may as well Kill yourself... return to the painless meaningless nothing that you are. stephen-fry

These ideas are the subject of my first blog post in this series ‘How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.’… Click >>>Here<<< to read more. Yet it is the less consistent portion of the Atheists whom I seek to call out tonight. The ones who think their own moral virtues exonerate them from any possibility that even if they are wrong.... and it turns out that there is a god... that it is morally unthinkable that they might face damnation for their sins. As mentioned earlier via the Self righteous Rationale that comparatively speaking, they deem themselves to be not morally inferior beings, but in fact far more moral, and enlightened, and tolerant, than the great horde of savages whom have flocked into churches over the millennia. Having already pointed out the grievous error of such comparisons (first 1/2 doz paragraphs above), I would like to progress further into these disastrous rationalisms, and lay out some more Objective facts about sin, and atheist inconsistency. Setting aside the fact that Atheism is fundamentally an Amoral world view, and that therefore atheists have no 'higher ground' upon which to stand to pass down condemnation upon God and his followers... we all know that this does not faze the bulk of them from proceeding to do precisely that! Their hypocrisy goes much deeper. With one breath they will play down the seriousness of their own moral short comings as 'trivial', yet with the next shake their fists at Heaven decrying the weightiness of the manifold evils of everyone else... and curse God for his inaction! While they think nothing of their own blotches on creation, They boldly declare that no Good God would allow Hitler to rampage across Europe... as if their own existence could not be an affront to morality... yet Hitler's evils... they are God's fault! God is a Bastard on Hitler's account... but not on theirs... they are better than God, they have the right to Judge God, they conciser themselves the innocent victims of God's Amoral inaction. It matters not that all Hitler's actions stemmed from his atheistic world view. They busy themselves trying to make out Hitler was a Christian!...(a topic for another time and an interesting psychological behaviour in itself). hittttllllrrr

Having said all that I may now get down to my main points…. Our personal culpability, and the seriousness of sin.

You see the reality of things is quite different from what these atheists assert… esp the idea that God does not give a toss about the evils of humanity.

God takes sin very very very seriously!
Way more seriously than all these self-righteous God hating atheists do!
Just because God has set up the world in such a way that we human beings have moral responsibility for our own actions… which means he has left us free to act with extreme goodness or extreme Evil *does not mean* he does not care, or intends evil doers to escape Scott free.
God has declared that in his time he will balance the scales and reward everyone their due.
Hitler has not escaped judgement by fleeing to Argentina!
So these notions that God does not care, are simply false.
He has good, valid, righteous reasons, for allowing Humanity to ‘act out their own vain imaginations.
That we are freewill moral agents living in a moral universe, means that our deeds have *moral weight*…. both for good, or ill… and when we do evil… innocent people suffer… that is what it means to live in a moral universe… It is in fact impossible to claim any goodness in a reality in which evil is impossible.
That is why Robots are amoral beings… whether they perform surgeries which save lives or slaughter thousands… they have no choice in their deeds.
The moral responsibility for the actions of Robots falls back on their free-will creators who made them, and so too would God be responsible for all Hitler’s evils… if Hitler was a robot… yet he was not a robot.
In all his deeds Hitler exercised his own freewill.
Thus it is absurd to blame God for Hitler’s deeds.

I have written more on this topic… ‘We are not Robots Ayn Rand. We are Moral Agents.’ Click >>Here<< and another... 'Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.' click >>>here<<< So it is folly to suggest that Human evils are evidence against the existence or goodness of God. When Adam sinned, God took that with such seriousness that he separated himself from Mankind, and condemned us all to death! You see Adam's sin... had great moral weight.... affecting countless billions... though many will not be able to appreciate the mechanics of it... how what they see as a small act of disobedience by one man could bring such calamity upon posterity. Yet that is how serious the consequences of Sin are! They upset the entire hierarchy of reality... When Adam disobeyed God, not only did he loose faith in God's Good Character, he was dethroning God and establishing himself and his will above Gods! a little leven leveneth the whole lump! Humanity has been doing that ever since. This is part of the reason why... the pragmatic portion... of why The Standard for Goodness is 100% Holiness... not comparative goodness... not a 'statistical mean/ scale of goodness' The other portion is simply because God himself is Holy. He sets the *Ideal Goodness*. Yet God has sworn eternal Judgement upon sin! Despite what the liberal Bible doubters say... there is a hell! There is eternal damnation. Yet everyone who ends up Damned, will be damned by their own Hatred of God, their pride, and rejection of God's mercy. Jesus-Facepalm

God has seen every act of evil we all have committed and is reserving his judgement.
Yet still God is loving, compassionate, and merciful.
We may say “It’s not fair that I was born into this cursed world!”… and indeed if we were born without hope… then this may in fact be a legitimate accusation against God’s character… yet he has not utterly abandoned us to Damnation, but instead immediately set in motion his plan to redeem us… and his modus opperandi reflects his absolute justice, The seriousness with which he condemns sin, and his love and mercy…. all displayed in the crucifixion of his sinless son Jesus Christ.

In Christ’s crucifixion we see God himself suffering a grotesque fate at the hands of evil men… he is not, nor has ever been completely insulated from the sufferings of evil himself.


That God deemed such a grotesque means was necessary for the payment for sin shows just how extremely seriously he takes sin to be, and how he will not allow his love to violate the principle of Justice… an eye for an eye… tooth for tooth…. The wages of sin is Death… Jesus took the full penalty of our sins upon himself.
He was not guilty of any sin himself and thus he was not subject to the penalty of death… for his own sins.

When Christ rose from the Dead, this was a testament to his victory over sin and death, and his resurrection altered the course of human history!

To receive Christ a person must appreciate the gravity of their own sins.
By it’s very nature the proud will reject the crucifixion as un-necessarily barbarous.

And the greatest sin anyone can commit is to *reject the sacrifice of Christ!*
For all their fuming against God, they prove they themselves dont take sin seriously… deeming themselves to be not guilty before God.
It is a hypocritical folly of the highest order.

Yes folks it is appointed unto us once to die and after this, the judgement!
At an appointed time the dead will stand before his judgement seat, and all whose names are not found
written in the book of life shall be cast into the lake of fire… with their Father Satan… to spend eternity where they chose to be…. separated from God.
The reality of hell is a clear demonstration of how weighty a matter God considers sin to be.

In the light of these facts we see the tables turned on the atheist… the reality is *they dont consider sin to be anywhere near as serious a matter as God does….for all their accusations… it is they themselves whom are found wanting in ‘the righteous indignation department’.

Yet millions of sinners like myself will enter paradise… not because we are more righteous than our atheist friends and family, but because we simply received the Gift of God… he placed our sin upon Christ, and clothed us in Christ’s holiness.
And we will see God face to face and sing God’s praises for eternity.

Ditch your foolish pride my neighbours, my friends… my family!
get a grip that you are a creation of God… a Moral agent.
Choose Christ and join us in the love of our Holy Heavenly Father!

Tim Wikiriwhi

Read more on this here

No Free Will = No Moral Responsibility. William Lane Craig

The Gospel of Godā€™s Grace.

End note: I decided to tag this post onto the end of a series I started several years ago entitled ‘How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world?’
I wrote those in fairly quick succession, so that there is to my mind a progression of thought.
I always meant to carry on with the series as there is no way that they can be considered to have exhausted such an important subject, yet because of procrastination I have fumbled the ball somewhat, and so this post may not fit very tidily.
That being said I think it is a topic worthy of inclusion and hopefully I shall not be so long in adding the next one.

When the Accuser comes callingā€¦Trust in the Lordā€™s Good Characterā€¦Trust in his word. (Good God/Evil world part 7)

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part 2) The Thirst for Blood.

Horror stories. How can a Good God exist when there is so much Evil in the world? (Part 3)

How can a Good God exist when there is so much Evil in the world? (Part 4) Interlude.

Seether: Know Thyself. How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? Part 5.

The Superstitions of Materialist Orthodoxy, and their conflict with scientific progress and inquiry . Rupert Sheldrake – The Science Delusion BANNED TED TALK


a more extensive (better) version of Sheldrake’s speech below…

Read more….

Knowledge Filters: All solid evidence against the Theory of Evolution is automatically rejected .

Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ā€˜Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusoryā€™. Entity Attacks

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.


Russellā€™s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

The Folly of Scientism. Austin L. Hughes

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Do you believe you have the Perfect Word of God? Theism vs Humanistic Rationalism. Seeing The Light! My Testimony.

Mankind is on the verge of creating Sentient artificial intelligence? BULLSHIT!


It amazes me just how ridiculous are the myths of Materialism!
That all life forms are the result of mindless accidents.
That ‘unguided’ evolution can change a worm into a human with the ‘magic wand’ of time.
Etc Etc.
And this fundamental superstition of Materialist Naturalism has multitudes of whacky spin-offs… one being that Human consciousness is simply a product of a complex arrangement of atoms.
Following this rationale we end up with Sci-fi movies like the Terminator, whereby Machines have become self aware and decide that Humanity needs to be eradicated.
Now while I like a good sci-fi movie, It is tragic that the computing scientific community have been making such bold claims that they are on the verge of creating Humanoid Artificial intelligence, and are proposing such absurd moral dilemmas as granting their created so-called smart machines ‘Rights’!

Check out this link >>>> ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is already here. But how will the singularity, or the point at which machines achieve sentience be received by humanity?

How they can say such things with a straight face…. and why legions of otherwise intelligent people actually believe these are serious Moral questions which are eminent is a testimony to just how unfathomably deep their faith in Materialism really is!
They seem to accept the Idea that consciousness is merely a product of material complexity as axiomatic… only questioned by religious nutters who cling to primitive notions of a Super-natural reality.

Forget the fact that the latest scientific discoveries in Physics actually proves that our universe is not absolute, but finite, and that therefore a more primary reality *must exist*, and from which our universe was caused.

And the latest discoveries in scientific understanding of the Brain is also rendering Atheist materialism more and more absurd…. and exploding any delusions that Humanity is about to create sentient computer-beings.

Read the following….

Human brain has more switches than all computers on Earth.

Researchers at Stanford develop a new imaging method that enables visualization in unprecedented detail of the myriad connections between nerve cells in the brain.

The human brain is truly awesome.

A typical, healthy one houses some 200 billion nerve cells, which are connected to one another via hundreds of trillions of synapses. Each synapse functions like a microprocessor, and tens of thousands of them can connect a single neuron to other nerve cells. In the cerebral cortex alone, there are roughly 125 trillion synapses, which is about how many stars fill 1,500 Milky Way galaxies.

These synapses are, of course, so tiny (less than a thousandth of a millimeter in diameter) that humans haven’t been able to see with great clarity what exactly they do and how, beyond knowing that their numbers vary over time. That is until now.

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have spent the past few years engineering a new imaging model, which they call array tomography, in conjunction with novel computational software, to stitch together image slices into a three-dimensional image that can be rotated, penetrated and navigated. Their work appears in the journal Neuron this week.

To test their model, the team took tissue samples from a mouse whose brain had been bioengineered to make larger neurons in the cerebral cortex express a fluorescent protein (found in jellyfish), making them glow yellow-green. Because of this glow, the researchers were able to see synapses against the background of neurons.

They found that the brain’s complexity is beyond anything they’d imagined, almost to the point of being beyond belief, says Stephen Smith, a professor of molecular and cellular physiology and senior author of the paper describing the study:

One synapse, by itself, is more like a microprocessor–with both memory-storage and information-processing elements–than a mere on/off switch. In fact, one synapse may contain on the order of 1,000 molecular-scale switches. A single human brain has more switches than all the computers and routers and Internet connections on Earth.

Read more >>>Here<<< dualism

You would think that this *unbelievable complexity* would be the Death Nell for Atheism and the theory of Evolution… yet of course it’s not because These superstitions are not Objectively held beliefs…. not founded at all upon science but upon the unfounded and now thoroughly archaic dogmas of Materialist Naturalism.
Thus they are impervious to such discoveries.
All their claims to being empirical and scientific being absolute Bunk…. a great lie designed to fool the masses into believing that Theism is anti-science.

Well The Brain is infinitely more complex than any AI experiments which are going on… to get anywhere near their goal would take all the computing power in all the world!

And even then you still have the problem of drawing consciousness out of a stone!
No own would suggest that the Internet is a conscious entity even though it is connected to hundreds of millions of computers… yet that is exactly what the Materialist dogma believes about consciousness…

To the Monist materialist Free will must be illusory… and that is their answer to every reality which does not fit into their Naturalistic Paradigm.
Thus they are trapped in prison of their own device.
They are so naive as to claim that belief in anything which stands outside the reaches of science is superstition, when in reality to be so gullible as to believe all reality must fall within the scope of science is childish in the extreme… it’s patent stupidity!

The Thinker_blog

Thus the more I contemplate the ideas and beliefs on which atheism is founded the more I marvel at how silly it really is.
I know that really most people choose to be atheists because they absolutely hate the Idea that there might be a God who will one day judge them for how they lived their lives.

As A Bible believing Christian Science is my best friend!
It becomes easier to believe in God by the Day.
My explanatory power of my Dualistic Cosmology increases and is strengthened… The Gap of the Atheist is shrinking to an infinitesimal point.

The Fool hath said in his heart there is no God!

I wish I knew how to present these truths in a less confrontational manner.
I worry that instead of appreciating my honesty, many of my Atheist readers will harden their hearts… because they dont like being called Idiots.
The thing is that I sincerely seek to wake people up to the gigantic scam which has been perpetrated in the name of science and reason!
And that the most foolish thing to do is stubbornly maintain such a delusional belief system… out of sheer Vanity.
The Smartest thing to do is to abandon the lie and embrace the truth…. no matter how hard that is to do, no matter how your friends and family will react to your ‘conversion’.
Yes the world system is designed to persecute anyone brave enough to step out of line.
Yet let me tell you that following the truth is the most rewarding thing you can ever do!
The Truth is that Life does have Meaning, and value, and purpose!
There is Hope!
morality is Real!
etc etc.
And the Greatest truth of them all is that Jesus Christ really is the Son of God, and that he has already provided the way to be saved and restored to fellowship with God our Father… and that Salvation is Free!

My testimony has been to set an example that Christianity is not a form of slavery… but liberation!
God does not want you to become a fake…
He wants you to be an honest and trusting person living under his grace.
Becoming a Christian is a walk with God in which you do transform… into a better and better *You*.
God created us all unique for his purposes.
He dose not want a bunch of card board cut-out Robots.
He wants you to reach your full potential and to ‘shine as a light in the darkness’…

Click>>> The Gospel of Godā€™s Grace.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Protestant, 1611 King James Bible believer, Dispensationalist, Libertarian

Read More From Me…. Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

Nyctophilia: Hiding in the Darkā€¦.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism


Pasteurā€™s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

We are not Robots Ayn Rand…

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

Poster child for Atheismā€¦Hannibal Lecter.

Biomimicryā€¦ Plagiarizing Godā€™s designs.

The False Deity Called Evolution.

Planet of the Apesā€¦whateva. 1Tim6vs20

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Russellā€™s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

Atheism has no basis for Rightsā€¦ or Morals.

Atheism. The Philosophy of Small Minds.

Christopher Hitchens Dies.