Recent posts

Type Title Author Replies Last Post
Blog entry A Labourious life is fine with me. RIP Good Queen Elizabeth 2. Tim 2022-09-16 12:00:59
Blog entry Manghouanga Stream Hawkes Bay. New Zealand's Dinosaur Fossils. Tim 2022-09-14 19:51:32
Blog entry All Men Created Equal? Slave Ownership and The American Declaration Of Independence. Tim 2022-09-11 11:21:48
Blog entry Gregory Alan Isakov - Salt And The Sea (The Lumineers cover) Tim 2022-09-09 23:47:44
Blog entry Seven ways narcissists try make victims look like the villain. Darren F Magee. Tim 2022-09-03 14:46:53
Blog entry "Let there be light." A Tribute to Christian Missionary Martyr John Allen Chau. 2018. Tim 7 2022-09-01 19:26:41
Blog entry Beer Schoolin Richard G .... Porter Ale is King! Tim 8 2022-08-16 20:06:31
Blog entry An argument for Chaos... does it explain the Universe as we know it? Part 1. Tim 2022-08-14 22:22:24
Blog entry The Earth Moving Through Space. Mind Blown. Tim 2022-08-14 12:17:44
Blog entry Why Men Refuse To Marry Modern Women And Go ABROAD For Love: Tribe of Men. Tim 2022-08-13 12:26:00
Blog entry Rumble: Pathologist Spills the Beans on Falsified Pfizer COVID Jab Study Data Tim 2022-08-13 12:18:00
Blog entry Massad Ayoob: "The Bad Ass Of Self-defense." + Commentary on Civil Unrest and the Great Reset. Tim 2022-08-13 11:10:03
Blog entry Men getting treated Badly in marriage. Better Bachelor. Tim 2022-08-10 23:05:42
Blog entry John Robinson's He Puapua... Blueprint For breaking up New Zealand. Tross Publishing. Cross the Rubicon. Tim 2022-08-10 21:41:18
Blog entry Jacinda Ardern is more Dangerous than Covid-19: Censorship and Control of the Press. Tim 32 2022-08-06 21:32:38
Blog entry Making Ardern Go Away! 30-10-21. Large Anti-lockdown/Vax mandates protest in Hamilton (and elsewhere). New Zealanders have had enough and Demand their Freedom and Rights back! Tim 10 2022-08-06 21:31:49
Blog entry Jacinda Ardern's Contempt For New Zealanders Who Will Not Submit. Ardern's Economic Destruction Of Our Nation, And The Rising Of Resistance Against Her.. Tim 5 2022-08-06 21:30:45
Blog entry I found the Heavy Metal Movie (1981) On line! Tim 2022-08-06 12:43:51
Blog entry The Science is never settled. Science is no escape from the human condition. Tim 2022-08-05 21:49:18
Blog entry Hellsing: Mitternacht:E Normine. Tim 2022-08-02 17:49:49
Blog entry Ardern Government Will Use 'History Curriculum' To Indoctrinate Our Children With Racist Falsehoods. Tim Wikiriwhi's submission for ' Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories in the New Zealand Curriculum '. Tim 6 2022-08-02 12:00:25
Blog entry King Timothy's Future Love Paradise! Tim 1 2022-07-24 00:53:24
Blog entry If only Hamiltonians had listened to me. Your 38 million dollar mistake! Tim 4 2022-07-24 00:46:25
Blog entry TREATYGATE Hamilton...introducing John Ansell Tim 12 2022-07-24 00:45:49