All posts by Tim

The War in Ukraine: Australia’s Albanese and New Zealand’s Luxon are both Puppets of the Globalist WEF War Pigs.

How easily The world can be ensnared in War!
Neither Luxon or Albanese have mandates from their people to commit our respective nations to supporting the ongoing war in Ukraine against Russia.
So why do they do it?
Both New Zealand and Australia have The Chinese Dragon lurking about our Waters.

Read: Chinese warships in Tasman Sea inch closer to Australia

New Zealand in particular would be absolutely incapable of defending ourselves should China decide to invade our country (esp since Ardern took away Private citizens AR rifles). Successions of governments have weakened our military ties such as the ANZUS alliance. The only Defense strategy we have left is to belong to Global organizations like the UN in the hope that If we participate in supplying aid to other countries who are invaded by hostile forces… that should the same evil befall us… in theory we should expect assistance in return. Obviously though any support we give must take into consideration not only a clear understanding of the causes of such conficts… and who is primarily in the wrong, but also be looking for swift resolution to bring armed conflict to a end… thus minimising the destruction and the loss of life.

These things being understood we can see there is more than this going on with Luxon and Albanese with regard to the war in Ukraine.
They show no tempering of their support for Ukraine in the light of how things develop… how Zelensky behaves… what his intentions are, etc. What hope of winning this war does Ukraine have? What would it require of the world to intervene to cause Russia to capitulate?
World War 3!
Why would The Puppet masters of the world encourage World war 3?

What we need to understand about both Luxon and Albanese is they are both puppets of the Globalist WEF War Pigs who want to destroy Russia’s independence and resistance to their New World Order.
Albanese and Luxon are fully on board with the Great Reset and the objectives of the WEF.

On the other hand President Trump is not party to those objectives.
He’s simply seeking to bring an end to this horrible and disasterous conflict, yet Zelensky seeks to use his alliance with the US as means to carry on the conflict.
Trump wants nothing to do with ongoing war. He wants a quick and lasting settlement. He made this crystal clear in their Public Meeting in the oval office.
This is in the best interests of the people of Ukraine and the world.
Zelensky was arrogant and rude.
Instead of peace, Zelensky seeks to embroil the whole world in this war with Russia!
That was clear from what he was saying in the Oval office.
He’s a Mad man!
By giving this Lunatic their unwavering support despite his unwillingness to make concessions for the sake of Peace… in a war he has no hope of winning, demonstrates the idiocy of many world leaders who dangle on the strings of Claus Schwab.
We should expect both Luxon’s and Albanese’s ongoing slide to continue unabated in the polls of their respective countries as they parrot the will of the WEF rather than the will of their own nations.
Most people in the world stand aghast at the destruction and carnage of this war and want it to end.
Starmer in Britain is experiencing the same disconnect with Britons.
Likewise with Cañada and Trudeau.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
All these Prime ministers are under the sway of Schwab and the WEF.

Because of his contemptuous behavior and stubborn refusal to make accommodations for the sake of peace, Trump literally threw Zelensky out of the Oval office and told him to go home… but that he is welcome to return when he’s ready for peace.
Watch video below (The heat turns on about 40 minutes in)

For commentary on this exchange go here.

^Twitter seems to have censored the horrifying video attached to Liz’s post so it cant be shared off twitter… go here to watch it. Ukrainian Men being beaten and kidnapped by Zelensky’s Military to become Cannon Fodder at the Front! Grist for the Mill of War!
Zelensky has cancelled elections. Jailed critics. and is a Dictator… Yet Luxon pretends otherwise.
The more the world witness such truths going on under the Zelensky regime… the less support there is *from the people of the world* for continuing the conflict.
Our leaders however don’t seem to care about what Zelensky does.

Puppets of the WEF like Albanese and Luxon not only have Trump derangement syndrome.
They actuall act and pretend Ukraine can win the war!
Neither acknowledge the true causes of the war (Nato provocation) or what the Globalist End game is for the entire planet.
The only people who profit from an extended conflict are the Globalist warpigs who want to humble Russia… and instigate an end to Putin’s rule… because he represents a major obstacle in the attainment of their primary goal of Global Domination.

Biden was a WEF Puppet. The war began under his watch and continued unabated. Biden and the Dems were enthusiastic supporters of the conflict. They even bombed the Nord Stream Gas Pipeline, and it’s not hard to imagine that of Kamala Harris had won the election that the world would be edging ever closer to full blown war with Russia.
Thank God for Donald Trump!
Trump is not a puppet of the WEF War Pigs!
Trump’s first term in office, he was the only US President in the past 80 years not to have started any new wars!
God bless Donald Trump!
Trump understands the Globalist threat to the Freedom and independence of Nations.
Trump also understands what motivated Putin to strike in Ukraine… the encirclement of Russia by Nato.
Trump respects Putin’s determination to Retain Russia’s own Sovereign independence from the Globalist take over.
Trump seeks to establish and maintain peace in the world via good relations with other strong independent countries like Russian to mutual benefit.

We need to understand the big picture and why having a strong independent Russia, and a strong independent US is essential for Freedom and democracy in the world.
Putin is no saint, Democracy in Russia is no better than in the ‘Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea’ yet for all his evils he is at least defending Russia from the Tentacles of the Globalist leviathan. While the whole of Europe is now over-run with Aliens from Africa and the East Russia is still strong and comparatively safe from the Violence, Rapes, and murders the hordes of illegal aliens are now visiting upon their foolish host nations all thanks to the WEF Globalist agenda.
Having powerful independent nations like the US and Russia refusing to surrender their autonomy to a globalist scheme means The Globalist plan for their one world order *is dead in the water*

The Globalists wanted this war with Russia in the hope that it would end Putin’s control and that they could install a Russian Leader who would sell out that Nation to the Globalist agenda. It is the same reason the Globalists tried every trick in the book to prevent Trump Regaining Office… including trying to have him whacked.
Trump represents a Strong Independent United States that will not fall into lockstep with The WEF Agendas.
We need more World leaders like these Patriots of their own Nations… defending their Independence, Sovereignty, and Self-determination.
The formula for Global co-existence under that model is peace and trade, and mutual good will that does not require surrendering their Sovereignty or Democratic foundations… whereby the peoples of every nation choose the laws and terms of their own societies… not some all powerful unaccountable international committee of Bankers, technocrats, and Political shysters.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Massive Claim: 100% of all US school shooters over the Past 52 years we’re on psychotropic drugs

Massive Claim!
From here on X.

Now isn’t it interesting that *if these claims are true* Big Pharma is so strongly linked to yet more massive social evils!
Those documented side effects are telling too… esp in Western societies in which murders in general and suicides have been on the consistent climb over the same period.

What must be taken into consideration is that most/all of these people have been prescribed these drugs due to what Doctors must have seen as mental stress, social alienation, etc… so that factor must also be acknowledged.

Big Pharma would have a vested interest to deflect public attention to ‘other plausible causes’… such as it has been suggested that Heavy Metal and Rap music are somehow causal factors… anything and everything except their drugs!

I had a friend who was as tuff as nails commit suicide.
I found out later she had been proscribed Prozac.
It has always caused me to wonder if she suffered some sort of Heavy side effect reaction.

When friends of mine are going through stress… I do my best to tell them to avoid going on anti-depressants.

Most of the time their ‘depression’ is understandable given their circumstances… ie is a normal and healthy response to whatever trauma they have experienced… not at all a symptom of an unhealthy mind.

Therefore I say it is wrong to medicate such people. Only when the depression has no reasonable basis should it be considered a mental imbalance that might require medical intervention… yet even then as a last resort.
Counselling and other means like social interaction should be tried first in my unqualified opinion.

I gain my insights from experience… not training.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

The following song is dedicated to my old lost friend Debz Bailey.
We used to listen to Pearl Jam together… Great times.

More from Tim…

Tribute to Fabrication Engineer, Farmer, and Tauranga Hillbilly… Bruce Christopher Davies. 7/11/66 – 4/3/18

The Ballad of Morgan the Red. As spoken by Christian Martin. Rest In Peace Neville Morgan. Westy Bougan King. 1960-2021

The Faith and Wisdom of Maxwell Joseph Davies. 1948-2024.

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark.

Attention: National Led Coalition Government. We demand your Government desists from imposing Treaty Separatist propaganda upon New Zealand Citizens.

Attention: Chris Luxon @chrisluxonmp David Seymour @dbseymour Winston Peters @winstonpeters Act Party @actparty National Party @NZNationalParty New Zealand first Party @nzfirst Reality Check Radio @RCR_NZ Sean Plunket @SeanPlunket Damien Grant @damienmgrant Cam Slater @kaiviti_cam

Attention: National Led Coalition Government. We demand your Government immediately desists from imposing Treaty Separatist propaganda upon New Zealand Citizens.
We have the right to our own views and opinions on such matters and Government has no right to impose subjection to such biased ideological claims upon New Zealand Citizens.

Look at this X Post (Below) We the people of New Zealand Demand answers!

It is clear that under this National led Coalition government that Anti-Pakeha indoctrination and Treaty separatism continue to march forward unabated.
Right across the full spectrum of our society and enterprises we continue to see New Zealanders being compelled to submit to outrageous political indoctrination and propaganda such as is illustrated in this X post by ‘New Zealander’ if they wish to participate fully in New Zealand society.

That this continues under your watch when the bulk of New Zealanders who voted for you had expectations you would put a stop to these vile lies, fabrications, and politics of Race… is an outrage!

We see where this is heading and are alarmed that you are facilitating this hostile take over of our Nation.
You have no mandate from the people of New Zealand to enact this radical racist agenda.

We… the voting public of New Zealand have had enough!
We put you on notice that unless immediate action is taken by you to put a stop to these Evil racist divisions and demands you can be certain you will face large scale protests as the people of New Zealand awake from their slumber and rally to the call of Ending Treaty Separatism, and establishing One Law, one citizenship for all!
We will no longer tolerate you setting up a Two tier society based upon race!
You have been put on notice.
This must end NOW!

Signed: Tim Wikiriwhi. On behalf of the Person sharing this statement with you, and all the people of New Zealand who demand racial equality for all New Zealanders.

Update: 2-3-25 Here’s more of the same…

Update 2. 4-3-25 This is for Nurses

BREAKING: RFK Jr. Just CANCELLED the Flu Shot Ad Campaign – Here’s Why! Deborah Murtagh on X

From here.

BREAKING: RFK Jr. Just CANCELLED the Flu Shot Ad Campaign – Here’s Why! 💉⚠️

For years, we’ve been told to “get your flu shot” every season—told it’s safe, effective, and reduces severity… but what if we’ve been misled? What if the science says otherwise?

🛑 50% of severe or fatal flu cases in adults were in those who were already vaccinated (2017-2018 flu season, CA Dept of Public Health).

🛑 In the 2016-2017 flu season, 70% of adults and 65% of children with severe or fatal flu were vaccinated.
🛑 Studies show consecutive flu shots make you MORE vulnerable to future infections.
🛑 Research in JAMA Pediatrics found that kids who got the flu shot were 4X more likely to get another respiratory infection.

🛑 The flu vaccine is the second most reported vaccine for adverse reactions, right after COVID-19.

And now? RFK Jr. has STOPPED flu shot promotions and shut down a major vaccine conference. He’s making transparency in medicine a priority—and the question is: What ELSE will we learn as more truth comes to light?

📢 Is this the beginning of a massive vaccine reckoning? Will RFK Jr. take on ALL vaccines, one by one, exposing the corruption between Big Pharma and public health agencies?

It’s time for full transparency. No more censorship. No more blind trust.

💡 What’s YOUR take? Will flu shots be the next vaccine to fall? Drop a comment below! 👇👇👇

#BreakingNews #FluShot #FluVaccine #RFKJr #VaccineTruth #MedicalFreedom #HealthTransparency #BigPharma #FluSeason #ImmuneHealth #HealthNews #NaturalImmunity #BigPharmaExposed #StopTheMandates #FluShotTruth #MedicalCensorship #InformedConsent #NoMoreLies #NaturalHealth #QuestionEverything

George Soros Manufactures Fake Public Outrage against Elon Musk’s DOGE

George Soros has been syphoning hundreds of millions of Dollars from US tax payers and using the money to corrupt and subvert Nations all over the globe.
Elon’s DOGE Discovered a motherload of such corrupt activity in the USAID (US Agency for International Development) and pulled the plug of Soros money stream.
Now Soros AKA ‘Evil incarnate’… has been up to his ‘Puppet master’ tricks funding fake Public Outrage at Elon’s Slash and burn DOGE activities…
Watch the video…

Tim Wikiriwhi: My 5 minute Oral submission for the Treaty Principles Bill.

Ruff Draft.
To be delivered tomorrow some time between 2-2.30pm via Zoom link.
As I only get 5 minutes I’ll have to trim this down….

Tim Wikiriwhi speaking at another event.

Kia Ora.

I am Tim Wikirwhi.

Of the Arawa waka

I emphatically support the Treaty Principles Bill, and look forward to a future day when the false doctrines of Treaty separatism have been tossed into the wastebasket of history.

What is this Treaty Principles Bill fundamentally about?

Some people will say it’s about figuring out the correct relationship between Maori and Pakeha .. and there are strong conflicting opinions about that.

I contend this is not truly fundamental instead the point of this bill is to dig down through nearly 200 years and present to the New Zealand people concisely *What the Historically objective meaning of the Treaty of Waitangi *Really was* according to those who penned the document, Then explained it’s meaning to the Maori Chiefs, who then debated whether or not they should sign it… And sign it they did.

That is all that matters… that we get to the historical truth!

It matters not whether we approve or disapprove of the historical truth about the Treaty… our feelings must be kept separate from this investigation so that the objective truth may be understood… and upheld… regardless of whether that Truth is convenient… or politically correct… or nice… or nasty.

Too many people involved in this Bill are not being honest or objective but seek to re-interpret the Treaty in ways that serve their own interests and bias.

That is dishonest and Corrupt!

If you want to understand Te Triti O Waitangi… all you need to do is go read the Littlewood Treaty!

Yes we have the original English draft of the Treaty… in the hand of James Busby… and when you compare Te Tiriti O Waitangi to the Littlewood draft I have been assured by experts they are a perfect match.

I call this committee to enter the Littlewood Treaty as evidence to the true meaning of Te Tiriti O Waitangi.
Please don’t pretend that important historical document has no relevance to this bill!
It was from the Littlewood document that Henry Williams translated Te Tiriti O Waitangi.
So it is fundamental!

The Littlewood Treaty clearly states… article 1. ‘The chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes and the other chiefs who have not joined the confederation, cede to the Queen of England for ever the entire Sovreignty [sic] of their country.’

Secondly we have recorded history of Governor Hobson clearly stating when shaking the hand of every chief after they had signed the treaty… “He Iwi Tahi Tatou” “We are now one people”.
That clearly embodies the spirit of the Treaty.. the very day it was signed.

My time is short. I have one other piece of historical evidence… *Hold Up 50 Dollar Bill*

See this image on this bank note!

It is of a truly great man… A Statesman… Sir Aparana Ngata.

Of historical mana that has no equal today.

In his speech at the Centennial celebrations of the Treaty of Waitangi on February 6, 1940 he said:
“Let me say one thing. Clause 1 of the Treaty handed over the mana and the sovereignty of New Zealand to Queen Victoria and her descendants forever. That is the outstanding fact today. That but for the shield of the sovereignty handed over to Her Majesty and her descendants I doubt that there would be a free Māori race in New Zealand today.”

This quote reflects Ngata’s perspective that Māori chiefs, by signing the Treaty, transferred sovereignty to the British Crown, a view he also expressed in other writings, such as his 1922 booklet The Treaty of Waitangi: An Explanation. There, he elaborated on the first article of the Treaty, stating that the chiefs ceded “the Government of all their lands” to the Queen, interpreting this as a complete transfer of authority or sovereignty.”

There you have it!
This is the opinion of one of The Maori Peoples greatest champions of the Colonial era.

Succinct and unequivocal.

Yet today we have powerful political vested interest groups who have spend decades falsifying history… seeking to muddy the waters about the True meaning of the Treaty… for their own gain… at the expense of all New Zealanders but themselves. They have ensnared many common Maori people, embroiling them in a diabolical and fraudulent political scheme that now holds our entire nation to ransom. This Brings shame, weakness, and degradation upon the Maori People… not honour… not strength!

Let us end these lies now!

Appreciate this Fact! Today All Kiwi of Maori ancestry … like myself… we all.. also share Pakeha Blood in our veins too!

The spirit of the Treaty has become Flesh and Blood… we are now literally one mixed blood!

How is it that scheming politicians seek to politically divide our Nation when in truth to do so we must deny history and our own biological truth!

I say We are all whanau now!

Let us Free the Maori people, and all New Zealanders from the Fraud of Treaty separatism and acknowledge we are all created equal and that *as one people*… New Zealanders… that Racial equality before the Law is essential for justice in our land… and that is what the Treaty Truthfully established here under British Rule of Law.

Thank you for hearing my submission.
I make myself available to the committee for any further assistance I might be for the purpose of Due process for this Bill.


Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Principles of The Treaty Of Waitangi Bill. Submission By Tim Wikiriwhi. (Written submission)

Big Hui: Kingites Plot Social Unrest To Maintain Racist Treaty separatism @ Turangawarwae .

A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill








Asking Grok (X AI)

Trump: Restore Election Integrity…. Go back to Paper Ballots, Same day voting, Voter ID, Proof of Citizenship. No Computer voting, No Mail in voting.

From here on X

President Trump just addressed the nations governors.
He urged them to return to hand counted paper ballots.
Hand Counted paper ballots for safety and national security, protecting the Constitution, and massive $$$$ savings.
Hand Counted Paper Ballot elections conducted by We the People in the precinct cost 8% of the machine madness we currently are enslaved to.
President Trump said mail in absentee = massive fraud.
President Trump said we are one of the only countries to currently employ machine tabulated elections and extended no excuse absentee balloting; a practice that destroys democracies and certainly a Republic.

Paper Ballots / Hand Counted
Voter ID
Proof of Citizenship

Mail in voting results in massive fraud.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Deport all Islamists who refuse to adopt Australian laws, values, and culture.

From here on X.

“One of the world’s bravest women’s rights activists and a survivor of Sharia oppression, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, has sparked outrage among Muslim migrants in Australia.

In this explosive Sky News interview, she warned Australians to learn from Europe’s destruction before it’s too late. Her message was clear: Deport all Islamists who refuse to adopt Australian laws, values, and culture.”

Hooters…. Go Woke Go Broke.

It has been reported on X that Hooters has filed for bankruptcy.

What possibly could have gone wrong???

Go woke… go broke.

More from Tim…

Babes and Ball Crushers.

F1 Grid-lock How (Neo)feminism hates Beautiful woman and destroys their jobs, and Wage advantages.

The mother of Invention?

Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

The War is over…Neo-Feminism is a Sex Cult.

Lizzy Marvelly: Sex Goddess, Social Justice Warrior, and Professional victim.

The Ugly Truth about Green Woke Radicalism. The Posie Parker Rally. Albert Park. 25-3-23

Geoffrey Palmer and the Rape Culture of Socialist Government. Teaching Liberals the Principle of Consent

The Rape Culture of Woke Transgender ‘Rights’

Police Sexist bias exposed by failure to prosecute Lefty Dildo thrower.

Heart Ripped out. This ones for all the Dying Dads … and the Survivors.

Meet a Real Feminist with a legitimate cause here >>>> “If I don’t speak, who will?” Malala Yousafzai, 14

I’m a Real Feminist myself! >>>> Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions