F1 Grid-lock How (Neo)feminism hates Beautiful woman and destroys their jobs, and Wage advantages.

By now you are probably aware about how Formula 1 racing has arbitrarily decided to cut the jobs of all the beautiful Grid Girls that have added Glamour to the events and gone a long way to spreading some of the wealth and prestige into the feminine demographic out of a Male dominated industry. (sport) … Continue reading F1 Grid-lock How (Neo)feminism hates Beautiful woman and destroys their jobs, and Wage advantages.

The War is over…Neo-Feminism is a Sex Cult.

I have changed the name of this post after a person remarked how this behavior “reminds him of all the Phallic Statues and cravings around the world”. I find this observation instructive. Modern Feminism is in fact a type of Sex Cult! Feminism in the West is Defunct… obsolete…. The war is over… You won… … Continue reading The War is over…Neo-Feminism is a Sex Cult.

Transgender syndrome: Feminism’s Satanic Plot and the slide towards Armageddon.

IMPORTANT NOTE. The following Blog post is not meant to promote bigotry and hatred towards people who Identify as Transgender, Gay, etc. They are people with psychological illnesses who are in high danger of suicide, and with this being so it is important that they know that their friends and loved ones care about them. … Continue reading Transgender syndrome: Feminism’s Satanic Plot and the slide towards Armageddon.

Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

Yesterday was ‘Wear Orange Day’ to highlight domestic abuse… or so I was informed at the morning meeting. I was pleasantly surprised when the point was made that the abuse is not just ‘one directional’… “It can go the other way…”. The truth of that observation cannot be overestimated, despite the Media being filled with … Continue reading Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

Molesters of Children’s minds. Satanic Neo-Marxist Attack on Christian Foundations of Western Civilisation.

Look at the state of this seething vile socialist hater of Christian values and Christ! Molesters of Children’s minds. See how Satan works. Step one: Introduce inappropriate perversion into schools. Step two: Silence any dissenting opinions by accusing Christian parents of being inappropriate and bigoted when they express outrage at the perversion they introduced. Fact: … Continue reading Molesters of Children’s minds. Satanic Neo-Marxist Attack on Christian Foundations of Western Civilisation.

The Top 5 Reasons Your Wife Has No Interest In Sex (The REAL Story) ‘The Happy Wife School’. YouTube

Foolish men idolise their wives and submit to them to the point they let them treat them like a door mat. This is the very opposite of how God designed marriage to be. Simps have lost all their dignity. I am using the term ‘Simp’ to describe good yet weak men who set no limit … Continue reading The Top 5 Reasons Your Wife Has No Interest In Sex (The REAL Story) ‘The Happy Wife School’. YouTube

The Ugly Truth about Green Woke Radicalism. The Posie Parker Rally. Albert Park. 25-3-23

To be edited… (Above) The heroic Kellie Jay Keen-Minshull aka Posie Parker in the heart of Woke fanatical hatred…. Kiwistyle. In fear of her life. She came here to promote woman’s rights and safe spaces for woman and girls. Albert Park Auckland New Zealand 25-3-23. Far Left Green Woke Radicalism is the number 1 Hate … Continue reading The Ugly Truth about Green Woke Radicalism. The Posie Parker Rally. Albert Park. 25-3-23

‘Free Speech and the Fate of Socrates’, by Tim Wikiriwhi. From ‘Free Speech Under Attack’. Tross Publishing 2019.

‘Free Speech Under Attack’. May be purchased from Tross Publishing Here. Or Whitcoulls here. Chapter 16 Free Speech and the Fate of Socrates. By Tim Wikiriwhi. Reading ancient Greek dialogues we find ideological antagonists; philosophers of different schools of thought engaging in the Combat of Reason. The dialogues are so written that we can imagine … Continue reading ‘Free Speech and the Fate of Socrates’, by Tim Wikiriwhi. From ‘Free Speech Under Attack’. Tross Publishing 2019.

Crafty Andrew Little Awaits ‘Right Moment’ to Snatch Away Free Speech In New Zealand. Lets Be Ready To Defend Our Nation From These Destroyers!

A Friend of mine has been looking on government websites for any offical reference to Justice minister Andrew Little’s Hate speech Law proposals or Bill as he is wanting to fill a submission in defense of Free speech. As yet there is nothing to be found. Freedom Lovers and concerned New Zealanders have been waiting … Continue reading Crafty Andrew Little Awaits ‘Right Moment’ to Snatch Away Free Speech In New Zealand. Lets Be Ready To Defend Our Nation From These Destroyers!

The Rape Culture of Woke Transgender ‘Rights’

Note: The following commentary is not written to attack the Transgender Community but to discuss matters of Freedom and rights. I am critical about how the Liberal left movement is behaving and how they have corrupted the government, and Learning institutions, this is not an attack on the trans people themselves and their right to … Continue reading The Rape Culture of Woke Transgender ‘Rights’