The Victorious Dr William Bay. On X. Victory Through Christ. Medical Registration Restored.

Here is a truly Great Dr who followed his convictions, spoke out against what he saw was dangerous to his patients… Suffered Persecution and ruin for standing against the corrupt State… and by God’s grace has emerged Victorious… A Hero! and with his integrity intact!

Thousands of Doctors failed to walk this righteous path because of the threats of ruin by the Australian State.
The same thing happened here in New Zealand, and all over the globe.
Hapless Sheeple were deceived into taking the Vax because they were told to take it by their compromised Drs who said it was safe… when it had not been tested as safe… nor were they allowed to speak out about Adverse reactions their patients were suffering.
*This was a massive crime against Humanity*
*Governments and medical professionals colluded and spread lies and dangerous misinformation about the Vaccines* Free Speech was crushed!

The people must use this experience to demand accountability for this massive crime.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

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