Agnostics betrayed by their own Deeds. Atheists wont admit they are dead inside.


Interesting that many people are happy to label themselves ‘agnostics’ … yet are not prepared to *Stand*/ live as an agnostic … ie they still make value judgments *as if they know*.
ie an self-professing ‘Agnostic’ friend is still however adamant that ‘Governments are evil’… yet how it is possible for an agnostic to make such an affirmation? ….or any value claims at all?
Positive assertions are certainly inconsistent with the claim of Faith… ‘I’m agnostic’.
They ought to ‘sit on the fence’ on *Every* issue.
Your lips say agnostic… but everything else screams *Dogmatist* .

Atheists dont fare any better…. as few of them are prepared to embrace the meaningless *nihilism* that is the inescapable verdict of such a Religious world view.
Most Atheists cannot live consistently with their own claimed cosmology… insisting they themselves are *Good*… Moral…. beings… etc making Moral judgments all the ding dong day….

The Human moral sence is indeed one of the most powerful evidences of the Veracity of Theism… and the Great Lawgiver.


Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

4 thoughts on “Agnostics betrayed by their own Deeds. Atheists wont admit they are dead inside.”

  1. Human moral sense is evidence that we are sentient, social animals, ie, biological inheritance and rational thought, plus local culture, drive our moral thoughts and behaviour. With common ancestry, facing common problems, we will often arrive at common solutions. However, given changing and different notions of what is moral, eg, homosexuality, role of women, what are acceptable levels of violence by whom to whom, we shouldn’t overstate this commonality as irrefutable proof of a common divine or biological moral sense.

    I’m a bit puzzled by your two sentences about atheists, partly because I’m not entirely sure just exactly what you mean by nihilism and cosmology, and depending on definition, whether or not it is meaningless; mostly because once you accept that morality is a pragmatic solution to the problems of living socially, it’s not difficult to make moral judgements. Such judgements aren’t objective, ie, external to humanity, but then that sort of objectivity is impossible for us anyhow, whether theist or atheist.

    1. Not external to humanity as a whole, but external to me the person making the judgement, and therefore still objective.
      Murder was wrong before I was born or came into existence, it is wrong now, and will be wrong after I die – objective.

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